The Importance of Fine Arts in the Classroom

Associates Suite - The Importance of Fine Arts in the Classroom.
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Associates Suite! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Fine Arts is defined in the Encarta Dictionary as being, “any art form, for example, painting, sculpture, architecture, drawing, or engraving, that is considered to have purely aesthetic value” (Encarta, 2004). Though this definition is used in relationship with the arts in the regular world, in regards to teaching, fine arts is defined as a subject beneficial, not essential, to the learning process and is often phased out because of lack of time, little learning potential, and no money. Fine arts is simply seen as painting and drawing, not a subject studied by an academic scholar. Writer Victoria Jacobs explains, “Arts in elementary schools have often been separated from the core curriculum and instead, offered as enrichment activities that are considered beneficial but not essential” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 2).

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How is The Importance of Fine Arts in the Classroom

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What is missing in classrooms is the lack of teacher knowledge of the benefits of maintaining an art- based curriculum. Teachers “have very little understanding of the arts as disciplines of study. They think of the arts instruction as teacher-oriented projects used to entertain or teach other disciplines” (Berghoff, 2003, p. 12). Fine arts expand the boundaries of learning for the students and encourage creative thinking and a deeper understanding of the core subjects, which are language arts, math, science, and social studies. Teachers need to incorporate all genres of fine arts, which include, theater, visual art, dance, and music, into their lesson plans because the arts gives the students motivational tools to unlock a deeper understanding of their education. Teaching the arts is the most powerful tool that teachers can present in their classrooms because this enables the students to achieve their highest level of learning.

From 1977 to 1988 there were only three notable reports demonstrating the benefits of art education. These three reports are Coming to Our Senses, by the Arts, Education and Americans Panal (1977), Can we Rescue the Arts for American Children, sponsored by the American Council for the Arts (1988), and the most respected study, Toward Civilization, by the National Endowment for the Arts (1988). These three studies conjured that art education was very important in achieving a higher education for our students. While these studies proved the arts to be beneficial to the learning process, it was not until 2002 when the research analysis of Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development “provided evidence for enhancing learning and achievement as well as positive social outcomes when the arts were integral to students’ learning experiences” was taken seriously by lawmakers (Burns, 2003, p. 5). One study, in this analysis, was focused on the teaching of keyboard training to a classroom in order to see if student’s scores on spatial reasoning could be improved. It was then compared to those students who received computer training which involved no fine art components. This concluded that learning through the arts did improve the scores on other core curriculum subjects such as math and science where spatial reasoning is most used (Swan-Hudkins, 2003).

This study shows how one little change in the way students are taught through the arts can have a powerful impact on their learning achievements and understandings. Another study showed at-risk students who, for one year, participated in an art- based curriculum raised their standardized language arts test by an average of eight percentile points, 16 percentile points if enrolled for two years. Students not engaging in this form of activity did not show a change of percentile (Swan-Hudkins, 2003). Though this may not seem like a big increase, at- risk students were able to use this style of learning to better understand their learning style thus bettering their learning patterns. The most interesting case study in this analysis involved the schools of Sampson, North Carolina, where for two years in a row their standardized test scores rose only in the schools that implemented the arts education in their school district (Swan-Hudkins, 2003). Teaching the arts needs to be incorporated in every teachers daily lesson plans because, based on these studies, students who are taught through the arts raise their test and learning levels.

Due to the high volume of attention President Bush’s, No Child Left Behind Act, has required in schools, teaching the arts is left behind. Another reason for the lack of arts in the classroom author Victoria Jacobs explains, “Given the shrinking budgets of school districts around the country, art specialists and art programs have disappeared from many elementary schools” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 4). Fine arts are being seen as non-educational or an extra-curricular activity. Therefore, when there is a lack of money in school districts, this subject is easily being cut. Teachers need to find a way to incorporate the arts into the classroom rather than rely on outside activities and Jacobs suggests teaching “through the arts… with a means of using the arts successfully and in a way that it is not just “one more thing” they must include in the curriculum” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 4).

The arts can open the minds of students in ways mere reading and writing will never be able to accomplish. Yet, the point of teaching this subject is not to teach about the arts, but to teach through the arts. Jacobs explains,
Teaching though the arts requires students to engage in the act of creative art. For example they might draw a picture, write a poem, act in a drama, or compose music to further their understanding of concepts in content areas other than the arts. Teaching through the arts helps students experience concepts rather than simply discussing or reading them. This approach is consistent with educational theories that highlight the importance of reaching multiple learning styles or intelligences. (Jacobs, 1999, p. 2)

Teaching through the arts can be done in many different ways depending on the teacher’s interests, but truly is the only way to reinforce the students learning experience. In a time where budget cuts and new learning laws are being established, teachers need to be more informed and educated on the negative impacts of the loss of the fine arts programs.
Three, veteran teachers at a public elementary school did a case study which involved teaching through the arts. They believed “our students had to experience cycles of inquiry wherein they learned about the arts and through the arts, and that they needed to see teachers of different disciplines collaborate” (Berghoff, 2003, p. 2).

The study was based on teaching a history lesson unit on Freedom and Slavery through the arts. Ms. Bixler-Borgmann had her students listen to the song “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” in many different styles of music, such as an African-American Quartet, Reggae, and Show Tunes. She then incorporated this lesson into the importance singing played to the slaves at that time. Ms. Berghoff had her students read samples of African-American folk literature and write down sentences that made an impact on them while they were reading. She then incorporated those sentences into group poems. Ms. Parr explored two art pieces entitled, “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and had the students talk about artwork by asking three questions: "What is going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What else can you find?” (Berghoff, 2003). She also had the students focus on the images, concepts, and meanings which the artists wanted to depict. Ms. Parr felt this would teach the students how to uncover the hidden meanings in other core curriculum subjects (Berghoff, 2003). After the study, the students were asked what and how they had learned from this style of teaching.

Many students wrote in their journals that working in multiple sign systems in parallel ways heightened their emotional involvement. They found themselves thinking about what they were learning in class when they were at home or at work. They noted that even though they had studied slavery at other times, they had never really imagined how it felt to be a slave or thought about the slaves' perspectives and struggles. (Berghoff, 2003)

The students had learned more from this lesson because they were able to use all styles of learning and were taught from an angle which is rarely used, through the arts. “Studies indicate that a successful arts integrated program will use these components to guide student learning and assess growth and development (Swan-Hudkins, 2003). The students were able to learn based on abstract thinking and find the deeper meaning of the lessons prepared by the teachers.

“The study of the arts has the potential for providing other benefits traditionally associated with arts….arts has been linked to students’ increased critical and creative thinking skills, self-esteem, willingness to take risks, and ability to work with others” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 4). With these benefits, teachers can not afford to limit their teaching of the arts in the classroom. Teaching through the arts are the key elements of learning and the traits teachers strive to establish and reinforce in their students. By working through the arts, instead of about the arts, the students’ educational experience will be achieved in a different way than just teaching the standard style of learning. Former Governor of California, Gray Davis, noted, “Art education helps students develop creativity, self-expression, analytical skills, discipline, cross-cultural understandings, and a heightened appreciation for the arts” and that “students who develop artistic expression and creative problem solving skills are more like to succeed in school and will be better prepared for the jobs and careers of the future” (California Art Study, 2003, p. 1).

Exposing students to abstract learning will teach the students about logic and reasoning and help them grasp what might not be represented on the surface. Recent Reports from the National Art Education Association (NAEA) confirmed with Governor Davis when they reported “Students in art study score higher on both their Verbal and Math SAT tests than those who are not enrolled in arts courses (California Art Study, 2003, p. 5). Attached is a copy of the test scores of students in the arts and students with no arts coursework.

What is a better way to enhance a lesson plan than to add another dimension of learning than by incorporating different levels of teaching? A company that has the basis of focusing on different learning styles is Links for Learning, []. This company understands the importance of incorporating arts into the classroom. Former Secretary of Education, William Bennet wrote, “The arts are essential elements of education just like reading, writing, and arithmetic…Music, dance, painting, and theater are keys to unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment” (Swann-Hudkins, 2002).

An example of the benefits of teaching the arts would be the study of a teacher who taught the water cycle lesson through movement and music. The students were introduced to the water cycle in the traditional style of teaching, reading and lecturing. Yet, in order for the students to fully understand the “experience” of being a snowflake, the students listened to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite (The Waltz of the Snowflakes) and closed their eyes visualizing the adventure snowflakes encounter on there way to the ground. A great side effect of dance is that “exposure to dances foreign to them (the students) helps them to understand and appreciate differences in societies. Their minds become open to new ideas and a different perspective. This understanding helps to eliminate possible prejudice, enriching the student and our society” (Swan-Hudkins, 2003, p.17). While the music was playing the teacher asked them questions, such as, “How are they going to land” and “What do you see as you are falling”. The second time listening to the music the students were asked to act out the water cycle through movement and dance. Teachers should know “a class that includes dance can make students feel empowered and actively involved in their education. In creating their own dance, students develop conceptional thinking, which is not always expressed verbally” (Swan-Hudkins, 2003, p. 17).

With these activities, the students were able to become part of the water cycle instead of just using their listening skills and trying to mentally figure out this lesson. The teacher also had the students write a poem using words they felt while they, the snowflakes, were falling to the ground (Jacobs, 1999, p.2). “The motivational powers of the arts are significant as this teacher explained, “Hooking a kid is half, if not more than half, the battle of learning. If you can hook them, then you can get them to learn” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 6). Teachers need to gain access to all styles of learning which can only spark their motivational powers.
Harvard Project Researchers Winner and Hetland remarks, “The best hope for the arts in our school is to justify them by what they can do that other subjects can’t do as well” (Swan-Hudkins, 2003, p. 18). Teachers need to gain a better education of teaching their students through the arts. Without the arts, teachers are limiting their students’ ability to use their entire thinking process, providing less opportunity for complete comprehension. Teaching through the arts is the most powerful tool that teachers can give in their classrooms because it enables the students to achieve their highest level of learning.

With the lack of attention art is getting outside of the classroom, teachers cannot afford not to incorporate dance, theater, visual arts, or music in their lesson plans. Fine arts is the core curriculums constant and most important companion. No child should be left behind, and teaching through the arts will reinforce this idea.


Berghoff, B., Bixler-Borgmann, C., and Parr, C. (2003). Cycles of Inquiry with the Arts. Urbana, 17, 1-17.

Burns, M. (2003). Connecting Arts Education Policy and Research to Classroom Teaching. Presented at The Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.

California Art Study. (2003). Retrieved on April 18 from []

Encarta Online Dictionary. (2004). Retrieved on April 17 from

Jacobs, V. and Goldberg, M. (1999). Teaching Core Curriculum Content through the Arts. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Ontario, Canada.

Swan-Hudkins, B. (2002). The Effect of an Elementary Fine Arts Program on Students’. M.A.Thesis. Salem International University. Salem, West Virginia.

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Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental guarnatee - all the time a Top selection

Mass Dental - Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental guarnatee - all the time a Top selection.
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Cosmetic Dentistry: What to Look For in an Office

Cosmetics Dentistry - Cosmetic Dentistry: What to Look For in an Office.
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Cosmetic dentistry can offer patients a estimate of lively and innovative ways to heighten their smile. Because of the name, however, many patients don't take the field seriously. Just because you're getting a policy done that doesn't have a direct follow on your dental health doesn't mean you can afford to take your decision lightly. There are several ways a dentist in this or any other specialty can fail you, and it could be costly and painful to definite mistakes. Make sure you find person experienced and possessed of a great prestige in your community. Here is what you should look for in an office.

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How is Cosmetic Dentistry: What to Look For in an Office

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State of the Art tool and Techniques

You may not think of cosmetic dentistry as being on the cutting edge of technology, but it is in many ways. Curative science is arrival up with new ways to treat tooth problems every day and developing the technology dentists need to bring new treatments and procedures to their patients. The same is true in the field of crowns and whitening as it is in the field of cavities and root canals. Therefore, see to it that you pick an office that keeps up with the changing tide of Curative advancement. Why pay for a policy that was outdated in the 90s when you could do so much better?

Patient Comfort

Even though we're talking about cosmetic dentistry and not getting a tooth drilled, there are still many patients with an unshakeable fear of that chair. If you have any trace of dentalphobia, make sure this is addressed before your appointment. Many offices will go out of their way to make sure their patients are calm and comfortable. Anesthesia, sedation, calming music, and a soothing personality are all tools that an office should have to make sure their patients do not caress undue pain or discomfort while undergoing a procedure.

Putting health First

It is an uncommon problem, but it is one that exists: dental offices that put money before a patient's well being. Make sure that the office you select for cosmetic dentistry does not fall into this category. Your health should always come first. If that means that a dentist needs to tell you that the policy you admittedly want isn't right for you, you should be glad that he told you, rather than taking your money and performing the treatment anyway. A dentist's first responsibility is to the oral health of his patient, and this is true in cosmetic dentistry as well.

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Learn About Dental Insurance For Seniors

Dental One - Learn About Dental Insurance For Seniors.
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Dental One! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The necessity of dental insurance for seniors is evident as dental health always deteriorates with age. Whether you are planning for yourself or you are planning for an elderly member of your family you must remember that the anthem of good health cannot be sung if a proper dental insurance plan is not undertaken.

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How is Learn About Dental Insurance For Seniors

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Planning the dental insurance is an important aspect of retirement planning. Taking proper dental care is important for maintaining overall health conditions for the senior. For instance, do you know that by taking care of teeth you are actually taking care of other internal vital organs such as the heart? Several companies offer dental insurance services for seniors and there are discount offers too. You just need to have the right vision to plan your insurance from beforehand. If you are planning the insurance plan for an elderly member of your family, then too you should have the right vision to plan a insurance that will be beneficial for the elderly member of your family.

The plan should include all the aspects of dental care services like dental x ray, fillings and the other aspects. For finding the right plan, consult your dentist to know which plan will suit the elderly member of the family. If you are planning for yourself, then you can consider joining retirement organizations like the American Association of Retired Persons.

You should do some preliminary research on insurance plans. Look for discount rates and allowances that are included in the dental health coverage.

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Dental Cabinetry

Dental - Dental Cabinetry.
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Dental Cabinetry

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How is Dental Cabinetry

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Dental cabinetry is the most useful piece of furniture in any dental clinic. It comes in all sorts of sizes and shapes and is equipped with drawers. Many of the dental cupboards come with attached suction equipment. There are both stationary and portable dental cabinets available in the market.

Advantages of Dental Cabinets

Dental cabinets helps clinics run the exam and sanitisation process smoothly. These pieces of furniture make dental tools much more accessible and readily available. It also offers assistants the flexibility to choose from various shapes and sizes. You can choose a colour that goes well with your exam room's decor. Though appearance doesn't have to do much with functionality, getting nice coloured cabinetry is a great way to make your patients feel more comfortable.

Mainly there are two types of dental cabinetries to choose from-portable and stationary dental cabinetry. Both come with many user-friendly features and advantages.

Portable Dental Cabinetry

The portable dental cupboards offer the assistant the flexibility to sanitise and prepare the tools that are needed for treatment outside the exam room. This way a patient who is scared of treatment procedures doesn't have to witness an assistant prepare the tools. It will give the patient a sense of comfort. The best part is that they are quite cost-effective. Purchasing a dental cabinet with the suction option would help dental clinics save money on multiple tools.

Stationary Dental Cabinets

From plain cabinets to fancier ones, you have plenty options to choose from. Plain cabinets might not have overhead compartments. Fancier stationary versions are made from wood. You can get them painted with a colour that matches your exam room's interiors. These types of dental cupboards come with a variety of drawer sizes. From colours to materials, these units offer you a variety of options to choose from. Some of the larger cabinets are made to go along a wall, while others are more of an L shape and can fit into the corners of your dental office.

There are many other types of dental cabinets available in the market. Most of them come with innovative features. You can choose from an oil free air compressor, water tank, and housing for high and low hand pieces, water suction, saliva injector and electric foot pedal.

Custom designed cabinet is also available to fit the needs of your particular office. You can find a dental cabinetry that combines function and art from a dental supplier.

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11 Neat Ways to Donate, Sell Or Give Away Used Books

Associates Suite - 11 Neat Ways to Donate, Sell Or Give Away Used Books.
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Associates Suite! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Books, like many of our treasured belongings, often simply rot away on our shelves and become clutter because we no longer have a current need for them, but because we loved them, we don't want to just throw them away. But, left unused for long periods of time,the fate of our beloved books is to collect dust, turn yellow, fall apart, and even smell bad. Objects that go unused for years create stagnant or stuck energy in our homes that affect our mood, drain our energy and may even make it harder to function and use your storage shelves easily.

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How is 11 Neat Ways to Donate, Sell Or Give Away Used Books

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Is this what you intended when you bought the books? I know parting with books is challenging. It helps if you can focus on the benefits and value of passing them on. Like sharing the insights or entertainment you got out of the book with others.

By donating or giving away books you no longer need, you get to contribute value to others while also making more room in your own home or office to function with ease. Think of how much shelf space you could reclaim.

Plus, if you donate your books (including books on tape or CD) to a charity and itemize deductions, you can deduct the value of the books on your income tax return. Web-based tools like It's Deductible make it easy to figure out what the books are worth.

Where to Give Your Books Away

Your Local Library - Unfortunately, many libraries don't take book donations anymore. But some do, so it is worth finding out if there is a library near you that will take your books, even if your hometown does not. Note: Libraries often take Books on CD and Books on Tape, Videos, DVDs, and Music CDs and Tapes too. - This site provides a list of places to donate just about anything. Whether you want to donate Books, Furniture, Household Good and Clothing, Computers, Cars, Cell Phones, Pet Supplies, Eyeglasses, your Hair, or even your Organs, you can find a resource here.
Friends of Libraries, USA - This group is currently accepting donations to rebuild libraries affected by hurricanes and more. You can ship books to them. Address: 1420 Walnut St, Suite 450 Philadelphia, PA 19102-4017 Call: 215-790-1674 or 1-800-9FOLUSA
Vietnam Veteran's Association - Offers both pick up service and drop off service. There is a limit on the number of books you can donate at one time. Not all areas have pick up service, but some offer a monthly pick up. - List ads for free and give books or anything else away. Be careful in screening who you allow to come to your home. For safety, arrange a public meeting place to deliver the books. - This website is a really fun way to share books. You register your book, leave it in a public place, someone else picks it up, notes it on the website, then does the same. You get to track your books travels after you give it way.
Housing Works in NYC - 126 Crosby Street, NYC 10012 (212-334-3324) You can drop off or ship books to them. They work to end homelessness and AIDS in NYC. - Free ad listing website lets you give books and anything else away. Be careful. Avoid giving your address to strangers. For safety, arrange a public meeting place to deliver the books.
Bridge to Asia's Textbook and Journal Donation Program - Got old textbooks and professional journals? This group wants college, graduate and professional level teaching and research materials. They accept books, journals and other forms of information both used and new. Visit - Here you can mail your books in (usually costs .59 per book)and get credits. Then you can use your credits to get books you want. - What better way to rehabilitate someone than through education and reading? This program provides books to prisoners. Before sending books, make sure you check the rules on what types of reading material each prison allows.

Also consider - They don't take books, but you can donate to help kids in need get their "first books."

BONUS Clutter Flow Tip: Set up a donation bin, just as you would a recycle or trash bin. Collect books and other items you no longer need. Once a week, on the same day as trash day, check if the bag or box is full and donate as needed. I keep a donation back on a hook in my closet for clothing I no longer need. Automate the process any way you can and set up a reminder in your calendar or phone. Once you get in the habit it will feel almost effortless.

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Are Dental reduction Plans A Scam? Let's Take A Closer Look

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth - Are Dental reduction Plans A Scam? Let's Take A Closer Look.
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Are Dental reduction Plans A Scam? Let's Take A Closer Look.

Do you know about - Are Dental reduction Plans A Scam? Let's Take A Closer Look

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

What's all of the fuss about these dental allowance plans anyway? They're not dental insurance so are they any good or are they some kind of hyped up "money manufacture scam" created to rip off unsuspecting consumers that don't know any better?

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How is Are Dental reduction Plans A Scam? Let's Take A Closer Look

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Let's take a look at some of the differences in the middle of allowance dental plans and traditional dental insurance.

Dental Insurance

This is what you're probably used to hearing about, right? Of policy you are! Why? Because the word "insurance" is included in the term. If it's insurance then it must be the "way to go" because I already pay for my car insurance, homeowner's insurance And medical insurance so why shouldn't I just buy the darned dental insurance and be done with it?

Dental insurance is literally not as easy to get as it once was. Most of the great policies these days are literally obtained through group coverage purchased by employers, although you can purchase dental insurance policies for yourself and your house through an insurance agent.

You can get several big name associates that supply coverage this way. This type of dental insurance, while providing decent coverage, does have what is known as a "waiting period" before any type of old conditions will be covered.

Previous conditions are dental problems that you had before you purchased the insurance. This will shock you after you visit the dentist for the first time after receiving your new dental card.

Example, when you first go to the dentist they will want to achieve an "Initial Oral Exam". This basic policy will rule a policy of action for you and your dentist in order to get and keep your teeth and gums healthy. You will also have to have "bitewing" x-rays in order to find any cavities or "caries" that are not obvious.

Here comes the shocker. You walk into the dentists office in a great mood thinking to yourself "This is great! I'm finally going to get my teeth fixed because I've got me some dental insurance!" This is when the dentist drops the "bomb" on you that the procedures needed to fix your teeth will cost you several hundred (or thousand) dollars and, in order to get your teeth fixed, you will have to pay for that out of your own pocket because your dental insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions.

Most waiting periods last at least six to twelve months and are Not negotiable. Many procedures won't be covered 100% even after the waiting period.

Dental allowance Plans

Discounted dental plans offer the consumer pro dental care at a discount. The only stipulation to this is that you must pay cash at the time of the visit. This is how dental allowance plans work.

Most discounted plans will give you discounts in any place from 10-60% on most base procedures such as cleanings, x-rays, exams, crowns, root canals, fillings, etc. Many will cover up to 25% on oral surgery.

It works like this. Let's say for example that you go to the dentist for a habit checkup. The dentist will do an oral exam, take some x-rays, fill any cavities that need to be taken care of and perhaps agenda you to get your teeth cleaned, assuming that you didn't already get it done in this visit.

Each one of those procedures listed above is a separate, taxable procedure. A periodic oral exam costs in the range of .00, X-Rays - "Intraoral unblemished Series" costs in the area of 0.00 and a "Resin Based" composite filling will run you from 5-0.00.

This one visit could end up costing you as much as 0.00 or more with traditional dental insurance, you could get all of this done for as much as half off If you were able to pay cash for all of the procedures at the time of the visit.

Are discounted dental plans a scam? Not likely, but you will have to pay cash up front to be able to take benefit of the benefits that they offer.

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Getting Your Teeth Capped With Dental Crowns

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth - Getting Your Teeth Capped With Dental Crowns.
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We all hear about dental crowns, but some of us don't even know what their purpose is. Some may think it's just for cosmetic purposes, while some think it is just an ostentatious way to show one's wealth. The latter, they are probably referring to the gold crowns some boxers are preeminent for.

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How is Getting Your Teeth Capped With Dental Crowns

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The truth of the matter is, dental crowns are tooth caps that are located over a tooth. Well, not exactly located but more like face a tooth. It is bonded to the tooth to make sure it doesn't fall off. There are plain natural seeing caps, while there are some that are made of gold, silver, platinum even, and some even studded with diamonds. Now, there's no accounting for taste so we can let whoever decides on his crowns be.

Now, what are the crowns for? Foremost, it is used to cover badly damaged teeth. This is whether caused by serious chips and crack in a tooth, or by decay. Decaying and badly damaged teeth are an eyesore, we all know that, and often times, we'd choose to save and restore it rather than have it removed. One speculate why many boxers are seen with gold caps is because they want to cover the damaged teeth they incur when they fight.

When one decides to have dental crowns put in place, one must make sure he or she has a skillful dentist. If you ask why thinking, it's just a cap, how hard is it to place it over a tooth? Well, if someone not skilled sufficient is to do it, the cap may fall off after a while leaving you with awkward collective situations, or the cap may not be bonded and cover fully the decayed tooth that the decaying may continue and cause you more pain and discomfort.

So if you need to have damaged teeth repaired, it is a good idea to think dental crowns first rather than go for a perfect transfer in dentures. Crowns are easier to manage, and less prone to falling off.

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understanding Dental Implant Bone Grafting

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth - understanding Dental Implant Bone Grafting.
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You may have decided that you'd like to replace your missing teeth with dental implants instead of dentures, but aren't sure what is involved. The short write back to that is that it will depend on the current condition of the bone into which the implants will be inserted.

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How is understanding Dental Implant Bone Grafting

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Unless your jawbone is healthy, and has not suffered erosion from infection, gum disease, or previous tooth extraction, you will need to have it built up so that it can hold your implants securely. Dental implant bone grafting is a lengthy process, but can commonly be done in your dentist's office.

Your dentist will use either "autogenous" bone, taken from your own body, or a artificial or artificial bone substitute. Cow bone is also used frequently for dental implant bone grafting. The addition of this bone will stimulate your body to build new bone colse to it, but with some artificial materials the body does not write back by producing new bone, and the artificial material does the job of securing the dental implant.

Methods Of Dental Implant Bone Grafting

There are some methods of dental implant bone grafting; block bone grafting entails removing bone from another part of the patient's body. Autogenous bone for a dental implant bone grafting policy is commonly harvested from a patient's hip or chin, implanted in t he area where the tooth is being replaced, and allowed to heal and grow new bone for at least three, and as long as six months. Any bone taken from areas exterior the patient's mouth will have to be removed in a hospital by an orthopedic surgeon, and transferred to the dentist.

Allograft bone used in dental implant bone grafting is taken from cadavers and under the very close management of bone banks. This type of bone harvesting has been going on for years and has supplied bone for thousands of curative and dental procedures with no instances of transmitted disease.

Animal bone used in dental implant bone grafting is known as xenograft, which is the term used for any trans-species transplanting. Both allograft and xenograft dental implant bone are foreign substances to a patient's body and, very infrequently will trigger a rejection.

Regardless of the source of the dental implant bone graft, the object is to stimulate the body's bone production in the implant area. One way of making sure the bone growth occurs as fast as possible for the dentist to insert a "barrier membrane" colse to the newly grafted dental implant bone. This will keep the body's more rapidly growing tissues which surround the graft from filling in the areas in which new bone is meant to grow.

Performing a dental implant bone graft with bone expansion requires the dentist to use bone expansion tools to detach sections of the jaw bone and insert the bone implant in the middle of them; if the bone is already strong adequate to acquire it, the dentist may place the implant in the opening instead.

When Bone Grafting Is Not Appropriate

If dental implant bone grafts, bone growth, or bone expansion will not supply adequate sustain for a dental implant, the outpatient may have to have a mold taken of his ore her jawbone and a plate inserted to hole the implants.

If you have plentifulness of bone tissue and the gums and teeth surrounding the area where you want a dental implant are healthy, then you may not have to concern yourself with dental implant bone grafts. But be prepared for an extended period of procedures and healing, and accept that having dental implants is the most high-priced way you will find of replacing your teeth.

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Careington Dental Plan - An Honest tell

Cosmetic Dentistry In - Careington Dental Plan - An Honest tell.
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Indeed Careington Dental Plan is one of the most popular dental plans available today. One of the main selling points of this assurance is their money back guarantee. Within 45 days after you paid up for the plan, and you choose to cancel for whatever reason, the enterprise will refund you your payment. This trust in their service might be one of the main reasons why many citizen switch or choose their assurance over the other assurance providers.

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How is Careington Dental Plan - An Honest tell

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What are the benefits Careington dental plan holders get? They can save roughly 20 to 60% on various dental procedures such as oral exams, prophylaxis, dentures, crowns and root canals. Children and adult can get as much as 20% savings on Orthodontics procedures such as braces and invisalign. Procedures under confident specialties like Oral surgery, pedodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, prosthodontics and periodontics can also be availed using this plan at discounted rates. Not only that, plan holders can get discounts on specialty care or cosmetic procedures such as bondings and veneers. Aside from these perks, all dentists that are listed in the network are guaranteed to be the best in the field. All the savings and discounts could amazingly whole to over 00 a year. This is undoubtedly a essential amount, especially while these hard times.

Careington dental plan holders attest that they truly have felt the benefits and advantages of having this dental insurance. As a matter of fact, those who have this assurance can avail of the services anytime. This means that they don't need to ignore simple toothache and other teeth concerns due to high service fees, because they have the plan to cover high charges for them. So, for those who have not yet decided on which dental plan to get, Careington is truly a perfect choice.

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Dental Fillings

Cosmetics Dentistry - Dental Fillings.
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When a cavity develops in a tooth, the damage to the tooth's enamel and interior can lead to more severe condition concerns. To heal the tooth and prevent supplementary infection or tissue decay, dentists use extra medicinal measures. In particular, many situations call for a filler material to be placed inside the cavity and fill out the tissue lost to the cavity.

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How is Dental Fillings

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Fillings are a direct way to restore a tooth after a cavity develops. When the cavity breaches through the tooth enamel, it moves speedily through the interior of the tooth, hollowing out a grand quantum of the tooth. The use of fillings restores the interior of the tooth and removes any decayed tissue left inside the tooth. This helps prevent infection or supplementary damage to the interior.

Several separate materials are ordinarily used as dental fillings. Some of the most ordinarily known include several separate types of metal. Although these metals are not nearly as malleable as other filling materials, their force and safety often make them preferable. In particular, silver, chrome, titanium, and gold are ordinarily prime as safe metals. However, gold may not be used as often because of the cost of the filling.

In expanding to metals, some dentists may opt for more aesthetically inviting or moldable materials. This can include extra dental composite materials, ceramics, and even porcelain. These filling options rarely have the same force as metal, but they can prove easier to use at times and may look more like a natural tooth.

While there are several options available for restoring a tooth, fillings remain the most convenient, complete, and cost-efficient. Indirect methods, which do not involve the same intrusive process as fillings, can prove useful for some patients with truly ample tooth decay. However, for most, fillings will suffice. To learn more about these treatments and other options, caress a cosmetic dentist.

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looking Dental Implants For cheaper

Cosmetic Dentistry In - looking Dental Implants For cheaper.
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Looking to find dental implants? Have you looked and found that prices are a bit expensive? In this article, today, you will examine how to save big, and potentially save thousands on this great treatment! Let us find dental implant treatment for cheaper!

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How is looking Dental Implants For cheaper

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There are many separate places that you can go through, and find cheaper prices for cosmetic implants. There are many places that offer this treatment, and the good news with this, is that you can go through and get dental implants for cheaper.

The key is to know where to do your research. More investigate you do, the more likely you are to find cheaper prices. So, how do you do this research? There are a few routes to seeing the best prices, and it is the aim of this article to help you find the best ways!

The first place to look is locally, as this will save having to travel.

This can be done through local directories that list local businesses. Then there is the other thing that you can do, and that is to look through online methods.

Though you are likely to find more distant places to go to, you may just find that cosmetic implant prices are much better.

It is an ideal to look through a few routes, because with some research, you can come across some great pricing options.

With so many separate places that you can go through to get cosmetic implants, you can be sure to save a lot of money. Invest some time, and you could see thousands in savings, and get the best treatment possible!

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Team Building - A Process For Increasing Work Group Effectiveness

Associates Suite - Team Building - A Process For Increasing Work Group Effectiveness.
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Associates Suite! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Too often team building is one of those vague, misused terms managers call into play as a panacea for sluggish work unit performance. The rise in the popularity and use of team building has paralleled the growing perception of work as the output of teams of workers rather than as compartmentalized tasks on an assembly line. Field Research Findings, such as the ones carried out by the American Productivity & Quality Center during their white-collar productivity improvement, multi-organizational field research efforts clearly demonstrate the importance of effective team structures to the overall performance effectiveness of the knowledge/service worker.

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How is Team Building - A Process For Increasing Work Group Effectiveness

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The building of a team requires a great deal more effort than simply recognizing the interdependence among workers and work units. It requires, instead, several carefully managed steps and is an ongoing cyclical process. The team-building process presented in this article offers the members of a work group a way to observe and analyze behaviors and activities that hinder their effectiveness and to develop and implement courses of action that overcome recurring problems.

While the underlying purpose of team building is to develop a more effective work group, the specific purposes of the process will depend largely upon the assessment of information gathered during the initial data collection phase. Typically, team building will seek to resolve at least one of the following three issues:

1. A lack of clear goals and expected performance outcomes: Frequently, interview data from work group members reveal that their performance is generally directed by their individual (and often conflicting) performance goals. In that situation, the team-building model can be directed at establishing overall work group goals, which affect both individual and group effort and behavior, and, ultimately, the performance outcomes at both the individual, as well as the group level.

2. Interpersonal conflict and distrust: A lack of trust, supportiveness and communication not only slows down the day-to-day ability of a group to get work done, but also stands in the way of resolving the conflicts that naturally arise as the group makes decisions about its future efforts.

One way to overcome this is to focus on the work problems and improved interpersonal skills necessary for the team to work inter-dependently and more effectively to accomplish the task. In other words, the interpersonal data would be derived from the work context itself rather than from evaluations directed at individual personalities within the group. It is a concerted effort to uncover mutual needs and desired outcomes ... a Win-Win approach.

3. A lack of clear roles and leadership: Obviously, duplications of effort result in sub-optimum levels of productivity. But when initial interviews with work unit members suggest confusion over roles, the issues that surface may go well beyond task-specific problems. They may raise questions about who is providing leadership to the group, who feels empowered to act, what sources of power are being wielded and what interpersonal and inter-group relations underlie the group's effectiveness. When these issues arise, the team-building model uses group meetings to discuss and clarify members' roles and responsibilities - both prescribed and discretionary

Who are the "players" in the team building process?

On the surface, a "team" suggests a group of interchangeable individuals of equal status. But in reality, most workplace teams have a supervisor or manager charged with leadership and accountability for the group's performance. Consequently, the team leader plays an important and somewhat different role than do other members in a successful team building effort. Support from the leader is vital because if he or she does not recognize and accept the need for team building, it is unlikely that other members of the work team will be very receptive to the idea.

The Value and Role of a Facilitator-Coach.

In addition to the leader and other team members, successful team building calls for a third party participant in the process - a Facilitator-Coach, a professional with knowledge and experience in the field of applied behavioral science, but who is not a regular member of the team. This person may be an internal resource person in the organization or be someone from outside the parent company/organization..

There are several roles, which this Facilitator-Coach may perform in team building. Perhaps the most common and critical is that of third-party facilitator, a "gate-keeper." The Facilitator-Coach also trains and coaches the team in becoming more skillful in understanding, identifying, diagnosing and solving its performance problems. To do this, the Facilitator-Coach gathers data needed for the team to conduct its own self- appraisal and structures a "safe" environment that encourages team collaboration and consensus building. As a change agent, the Facilitator-Coach also serves as a catalyst to help bring about a greater degree of openness and trust and increased communication effectiveness.

Another role of the Facilitator-Coach is that of a knowledge resource person, assisting team members to learn more about group dynamics, individual behavior and the skills needed to become more effective as a team and as individuals.

The Facilitator-Coach should generally avoid assuming the role of the "expert." That is, the Facilitator-Coach's major function is not to directly resolve the team's problems, but to help the team learn how to cope with its own problems and become more self-sufficient. If the Facilitator-Coach becomes the controlling force responsible for resolving the group's difficulties, he or she has denied the team the opportunity to grow by facing and resolving problems confronting them.

What are the steps in the team-building process?

At the core of the process will be a a well-defined process that is made up of a series of structured experiences and events, ones that will be repeated over time, that have been designed to help the group build and sustain a cohesive, effective, and ultimately, a high-performing work team. This process requires carefully laid groundwork as well as long- term follow up and re-evaluation. And further, team building, to be successful in developing and sustaining high performance, must be viewed and accepted as being a "continuous" and on-going process, not an "event" driven activity.

Team building, from a systems perspective, requires several carefully thought out and managed steps and is clearly understood to be an ongoing cyclical process. The team-building process offers members of a work group a way to observe and analyze behaviors and activities that hinder their effectiveness and to develop and implement courses of action that overcome recurring problems. If successfully implemented, the team building process is integrated into the work team's day-to-day operations.

Assuming work group manager-leader and team members, after having an opportunity to become aware of what the team building process has to offer and requires of them, have indicated and voiced their support for the team building process, the first preparatory step is the introduction of the Facilitator-Coach to the team. Often this is done by the team leader during a regular staff meeting at which the Facilitator-Coach is introduced to the group. The role of the Facilitator-Coach is discussed as well as the process and potential benefits of team building.

In preparation for the kick-off of the team-building process, the Facilitator-Coach will then take responsibility for the next step - the gathering of data from each team member about the "strengths" and "weaknesses" of the team and barriers to effective team performance. This diagnostic phase will typically make use of questionnaires and/or interviews.

he use of personal interviews has several advantages. First, interviews provide the Facilitator-Coach a better understanding of the team, its functions and its problems. Second, interviews enable the Facilitator-Coach to develop rapport with team members and to begin to establish a relationship of openness and trust. Third, interviews provide the opportunity for each individual team member to participate in the identification of the work group's strengths and weaknesses. Finally, personal interviews are flexible. On the other hand, the less flexible questionnaire approach ensures that common areas will be covered by all team members.

After conducting the interviews or surveys, the Facilitator-Coach summarizes the information, which is to be fed back to the group during the team-building meeting. A useful way of presenting the comments is according to the frequency with which the items were
mentioned or accorded to major problem areas.

During the actual team-building meeting, the data feedback session becomes a springboard for the rest of the session's activities. With the assistance and support of the Facilitator-Coach, the group then formulates an agenda and decides on the priorities of the issues raised by the diagnostic phase.

Before the team-building meeting ends, action plans are developed which specify the steps the group will take in attempting to resolve specific problems.

What factors influence the success of team building?

Because effective team building is not a one-shot affair, a schedule of future team- building efforts needs to be established. For lasting change to take place, subsequent meetings will need to review the implementation of action plans and investigate additional problem areas.

As mentioned earlier, the support and commitment of the formal team leader (Work Group Manager) are critical to successful team building. His or her attitude toward the process has an obvious impact upon other team members. Furthermore, because discussion sometimes centers on the team leader's behavior, he or she has to be open to constructive criticism.

The leader must also fully understand team building, its time requirements and implications. The leader's own personality and leadership style influence the probability of the success of tear-n building. If the team manager is not comfortable with a participative style of leadership, team development simply will not work.

The other team members should also want to become involved in the effort and believe in its relevance. Otherwise, team building may be viewed as a ploy by the leader to pacify the team or simply as a substitute for effective management. Each individual within the group should be part of the effort and feel personally secure to participate in the process.

Since the team-building efforts may create a change in the relationship between the team and the organization, the support of executive management is also vital. The chances for a successful team-building effort are improved if the team has knowledge of any organizational constraints on the options for making changes within the team.

The timing of team building is another critical factor. If the team is experiencing turmoil or confusion over its direction (mission, goals, purpose, objectives, leadership, changes, etc.), the time could be ripe for team-building efforts to begin because the members may feel a need to establish what is expected of them. Thus, their receptivity to the process is often increased under such destabilizing conditions.

Finally, team building requires adequate time for the activities to take effect. Relatively large blocks of time and even changes in the work setting are sometimes needed for team building. Separation from the workplace during the initial team meeting phase of the process is frequently needed to avoid work pressures and interruptions and to help generate greater commitment and increased concentration from team members.

What are the results of successful team building?

The team-building process may affect several levels within the organization. First, the individuals in the team may become more sensitive to the impact of their behavior on the effective functioning of the team. More self-awareness may also lead to changed behavior patterns. For example, recognition by the team leader that he or she does not share leadership and decision making with others may provide the impetus to adopt a more participative style.

Second, team building may help team members realize that different and better approaches exist to the way the team operates and performs its work. Third, team building may affect the relation- ship of the group to the rest of the organization. For example, a team member may stop using other parts of the organization as scapegoats to hide his or her own inefficient operations. Ultimately, greater harmony among organizational units could well result.

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Dental Insurance

Dental Services - Dental Insurance.
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Do you know about - Dental Insurance

Dental Services! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Dental insurance is when your insurance policy is supposed to pay for your dental matters, depending on which policy you choose you will get certain treatment when in need of dental care. I t has been thought by many that having dental insurance will save you lots and lots of money and although this may be true to some extent dental insurance may not cover all dental costs. So you should not get this wrong and think that by having insurance you have taken care of all your dental issues, you may just be wrong about it.

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How is Dental Insurance

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Most dental insurance policies cover certain costs, mainly the cheaper ones and they will not usually cover procedures greater than teeth extraction and you just have to know what your policy covers and what it does not cover. Plans and policies may vary according to your insurer and so it is best to know what your insurance policy states. A certain insurer may pay for say 80% fees for you to have a root canal that means the rest will be on you and say cover another 50% for the crown as you know that having a root canal needs the crown to be added. In total you pay the other 20% for the root canal, then pay half for the crown and depending on how much these cost you will know whether you are paying little or having to fork out a lump sum. Say your policy is fixed to cover 00 a year and you find yourself needing repairs worth 5,000 you will pay ,500 alone. Certainly not looking as if you insured.

A dental insurance policy carries a maximum amount to cover annually and should your expenses go over that then it is on you, try finding out from your insurer the terms and offers available for you.

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Varinos Dental Spot 2.wmv

Varinos Dental - Varinos Dental Spot 2.wmv.
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Varinos Dental ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Varinos Dental . You read this article for home elevators that want to know is Varinos Dental .

How is Varinos Dental Spot 2.wmv

Varinos Dental Spot 2.wmv Tube. Duration : 0.52 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Varinos Dental . :30 commercial written, produced and directed by Roger Lyons
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Hotel sensual

Varinos Dental - Hotel sensual.
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Do you know about - Hotel sensual

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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Varinos Dental . Varinos Dental Associates is the premier office on the North Shore that can provide you and your family all of its dental care needs under one roof. A trip to the dental office is never high on anyone's list of favorite things to do... but at Varinos Dental Associates we address your dental worries in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. We offer the latest dental advancements such as lumineers, veneers, crowns, dental implants, and we're excited to also now offer mini dental implants as a solution for denture wearers. Don't let anxiety keep you from taking care of your dental health any longer. If you're fearful, we can help you with conscious sedation dentistry. We'll help you relax at your dental appointment, have all your work done in less visits, and experience no pain or fear. Call us today to schedule a complimentary consultation at 978-535-3800. We'll talk about your specific dental health needs, and what you want to achieve from your smile.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Varinos Dental . Announcing our New Newburyport Location and New Patient Special! We are pleased to announce that Varinos Dental has just opened another location in the beautiful seaside town of Newburyport, Massachusetts. Visit our website for full details.
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