Mouth Breathing and Dental health

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Do you know about - Mouth Breathing and Dental health

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Breathing is something that we do automatically to stay alive and so most of us do not think twice about it. It is perfectly natural to breathe straight through the mouth at confident terms such as when running or lifting heavy objects, however if breathing occurs straight through the mouth regularly then it can lead to many health problems. These problems can be particularly severe for children as mouth breathing can influence the long term amelioration of the face and jaw.

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How is Mouth Breathing and Dental health

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So Why Breathe straight through the Mouth?

Normal breathing is when we breathe straight through the nose with the mouth closed. The most confident speculate for someone to be a mouth breather is that they cannot get adequate air straight through the nose. Base reasons for blocked nasal passages include:

Allergies - which can cause polyps or swelling of the nasal lining Enlarged tonsils or adenoids Deviated nasal septum Respiratory infections - cold or flu

Signs that may indicate nasal breathing problems or airway obstruction are:

Snoring, sleep apnoea Frequent upper airway infections Sounding 'stuffy' while the day/night Dark circles under the eyes

Effects on Teeth, Jaw and Posture

As mentioned before, mouth breathing can lead to many health problems, in singular dental health problems. When we breathe straight through the mouth, there is loss of saliva and dryness of the mouth and this can growth the risk of tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.

Also, mouth breathing can lead to alterations in the jaw and facial growth. The general resting position of the tongue is up against the roof of the mouth to compensate the troops of the cheeks, however when a someone breathes straight through the mouth, the tongue drops. This leads to the narrowing of the upper jaw and elongation of the lower jaw, resulting in the long, narrow face shape, typically known as 'long face syndrome'. Due to the narrowing of the jaws, crowding of the teeth, overbite problems and malocclusion can be seen.

Adjustment in head posture is an additional one follow that can result. Chronic mouth breathers tend to tilt the head backwards and lean the head send in front of the shoulders to keep the airway open. This enables them to breathe better, however can have lead to long term problems of the neck and back.


Treatment of mouth breathing depends upon the fundamental cause. This requires a multidisciplinary advent where your dentist, Gp, ear-nose-throat scholar (Ent) and sleep physician may be complicated in determining the rehabilitation needed. rehabilitation may include prescription of confident medicines, surgical operation and myofunctional therapy and breathing exercises.

Airway obstruction is a Base cause of mouth breathing and sometimes a full appraisal by an Ent is needed to settle the rehabilitation of the obstruction. Often confident medicines can be prescribed to growth nasal airflow and cut obstructions like swelling of the nasal lining and polyps. For more complicated blockages such as enlarged tonsils or adenoids, surgical operation may be principal to remove them.

Sometimes even after discharge of the airway obstruction, mouth breathing is still gift as it has come to be habitual. If this is the case, myofuntional therapy along with specific breathing and muscle exercises can help in establishing nasal breathing. Exercises that aim at strengthening the facial muscles along with specific oral appliances encourage nasal breathing and therefore can aid in the permissible growth and facial development. This is imperative in young children as they are still in their growing stages.

Your Dentist Can Help

Mouth breathing is a serious question that can impact on general and dental health. Our role as a dental practitioner is to recognize and treat mouth breathing early, especially in children, and to refer to suitable specialists if needed. The earlier we address this condition, the more likely we can reverse the effects. This means a healthier life, a more natural face and profile and a beautiful, healthy smile.

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