What Is a Dental Implant? Part 1

Dental One - What Is a Dental Implant? Part 1. The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination What Is a Dental Implant? Part 1.

Do you know about - What Is a Dental Implant? Part 1

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In the simplest terms possible, a dental implant is a metal dental device that can permanently replace damaged or missing teeth. Constructed from surgical titanium, the implant is placed into your jaw bone and a replacement tooth or bridge is attached. Implants allow for artificial teeth to be permanently attached to the jaw bone and therefore make for not only a natural looking restorative procedure, but also a long lasting and natural feeling solution.

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How is What Is a Dental Implant? Part 1

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Some Background

Somewhere in the region of 30 million people in North America have no teeth or dentures. After it was discovered that bone would grow in close proximity to titanium, essentially fusing the two substances, many medical uses for the metal were sure to follow. The first implant was placed in 1952 by Dr. Leonard Linkow and by the early 90s he had completed nearly 20,000 dental implant procedures. Since, implants have become one of the most widely applied and successful cosmetic dental procedures for restoring a smile with missing, broken, or severely damaged teeth.

Implants Today

The general surgical procedure for dental implants today involves placing the implants just below the surface of the gums where the titanium metal can fuse with the jawbone. Your dentist will refract your gum tissue to find the best and safest location for your implants, paying special care to avoid nerves and blood vessels. During the first 3 to 6 months after your implants have been placed, the bone will gradually grow around the titanium. During this time, you will likely be fitted with some temporary teeth as your dentist makes your new replacement teeth. Once the implants and jawbone are fully fused, your dentist will fit your new teeth. This process can take up to 9 months depending on how long it takes for the implants to become secure.

Advances in Implants

There are some interesting innovations in dental implants. The most cutting-edge implant procedures can be completed in just one office visit. During a preliminary dental session, your dentist makes a 3-D image of your jaw which is eventually manipulated with the newest computer software to show you dentist a more precise anatomy of your jaw without even having to look in your mouth. Your implant surgery is planned based on these highly accurate images, and your dentist does not need to refract your gum tissue to inspect your jaw. Meanwhile, your replacement teeth can be fabricated and ready to place by your next dental visit. These implants essentially last a lifetime, and only the replacement teeth may need to be changed if they get cracked or broken.

The Benefits

Regardless of the type of dental implant you have, they offer a number of benefits compared to other procedures. Dental implants can replace one or more teeth without needing to anchor to surrounding teeth or otherwise affecting those teeth. They can even support a bridge, and therefore implants eliminate the need for removable partial dentures. Finally, dental implants are essentially a permanent treatment that will restore your smile for your lifetime.

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Facts About Starting an Adult Daycare Home Business

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There's been a recent rise in the number of Adult Daycare Home Businesses springing up everywhere around the world, what with an estimated one in four families providing care for an elderly relative today. Before you decide to jump on the group home business bandwagon, though, you need to know as much as possible. This brief guide will help.

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How is Facts About Starting an Adult Daycare Home Business

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Some questions you should ask yourself before starting an Adult Daycare home business, or any other home business for that matter, are:

What are your talents and skills? Are you looking for a home based career or just to supplement your income? Do you have space in your home for an office? Is your family willing to support you in having a business based in their home? Are you willing to put in the necessary work it takes to get a business off the ground and to sustain it once you have? Do you want to help people?

The last question is particularly important when it comes to operating and starting an Adult Daycare home business for the elderly. Because if you're just doing it for the money, you're likely to be overwhelmed by the personal interaction required for this business.

Some people are happier working all day long at a computer, not having to deal with other people face to face. Or they prefer detailing people's cars or doing their lawn care to providing personal service that demands constantly interacting with people.

Everybody's different, and that's a good thing. Just understand that even if you set up an Adult Daycare home business across town from your own home, you're going to have to deal with people on a daily basis.

If you decide that starting an Adult Daycare business for the elderly is just the type of business you're looking for, you'll have to find out what the laws and regulations are, as well as what licenses are necessary in your state. There are certain to be some, and you need to know what they are in case you have to obtain any special certifications. CPR and first aid certifications are two that most states are likely going to require you to personally have.

Another thing that you'll have to look into before you buy or rent that house that you think would be just perfect starting an Adult Day Care home business, are the area's zoning regulations. This can be a sticky situation in many places, and even if there are no zoning laws or regulations against your opening a group home business where you'd like to, you could well find yourself up against a lot of resistance. It's mandatory that you know this upfront.

You can look for another location for starting a group home business for the elderly, or you just might decide that this is not the business for you.

Funding for group home businesses is not as hard to find as you might think. The Small Business Association, as well as many banks and other financial institutions, can point you in the direction you need to go to find the money you need to purchase a home for starting a group home business.

You'll want to understand all the terms, conditions, and financial obligations. You'll also want to find out if you must use your current home as collateral. Putting your own house up as collateral may be more than you're willing to risk for any new venture.

Insurance for your elderly group home business is something you'll definitely have to have. Liability insurance is mandatory. You'll also need fire and theft insurance. If you plan to offer any type of medical assistance to the people in your elderly group home, you may even need malpractice insurance.

Other insurance requirements may also be involved. Learn everything you can about the different types of insurance coverage you'll need, and then shop around for the best prices to obtain the necessary policies you'll need for starting a group home business.

Unless you plan to live in your Adult Daycare business and do everything yourself you'll need assistants and a concierge service for senior citizens. Planning for meals, transportation to doctors, dentists, hairdressers, and events, cleaning, and activities are other things that need to be considered before starting an Adult Daycare.

You will also want someone to oversee medications and ensure that people receive and take them at the proper times.

Starting a Group Home Business for the elderly is not for everybody, but if it's for you, then you'll find it tremendously rewarding. And in huge demand. Going into the elderly group home business with your eyes open and doing your homework first will assure that your Adult Daycare Home Business is a successful one.

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Score One for Dental Teamwork

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Like a sports team, a dental team must work together effectively to achieve success. As the office manager, you serve as your team's "cheerleader" - calling the plays and coordinating the best strategy for the team. You also play a crucial role in promoting teamwork in your practice.

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How is Score One for Dental Teamwork

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Teamwork offers many benefits in the dental practice. When everyone on a team is in sync, patients feel the difference in how they are treated and in the excellent care they receive.

With the right tools and techniques, you can lead your practice to victory!

Coach Your Team to Their Highest Potential

A good team starts with the "draft." Doctors and office managers should take extreme care in the hiring process and only seek out those with a strong desire for personal and professional success. Hire motivated people-not people who need to be motivated.

Once your perfect team is in place, the coaching begins. An effective team needs ongoing training and support to allow them to reach their potential. Good teamwork begins with good coaching and must be constantly nurtured and rewarded. It is the responsibility of the office manager to constantly involve them in the learning process, to enable them to be successful, productive, happy team players!

The Morning Huddle

As the "cheerleader" of your team, you must be aware of any issues among staff. If there is dissension or unresolved feelings among team members or with the doctor, you must encourage these feelings to be shared in an open and honest environment so they can be resolved quickly.

Open the lines of communication during a daily morning "huddle." Holding regularly scheduled staff meetings is critical to building teamwork in your office. These meetings are a time to discuss the previous day and the current day's schedule, while allowing time for team members to ask questions and air concerns. Daily huddles will provide your staff with the focus and direction they need for a productive day.

Your Partner

Your hygienist can play an important role in helping you promote teamwork in the office. The hygienist is looked upon by other team members as someone who has, through education and practical experience, achieved a high level of value to the team. His or her role is to use this position of respect to positively impact others.

Regular communication is vital to creating an effective partnership with your hygienist. You should meet regularly to review the schedule and production goals. Spend time role-playing how to effectively educate patients. Monitor office trends, such as high cancellation rates and poor case acceptance-and brainstorm ways to overcome these challenges together.

Teamwork Begins with You

If you think your office could use some team-building inspiration, hold a customized team-building event for your staff.

Remember that effective teamwork begins with you-so lead your team by example. Pitch in to help a colleague who seems overwhelmed, and remember to always thank your team members for their assistance. Incorporate these teamwork techniques into your practice and everyone wins!

One Last Note

A good team will consistently excel when they:

Are always there for each other and ready to help when needed. Share a common desire for personal and professional success. Share the same core beliefs and values. Focus on improvements to consistently achieve the practice goals. Are eager to learn and grow together. Are committed to each other. Realize that everyone on the team is unique and special. Enjoy spending time together.

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Different Types Of Dental Braces

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Dental braces usually come in different forms. Ordinarily, we place complete confidence in our orthodontists to provide us with the best dental care and solutions. However, it wouldn't hurt to know a few things and generally be more informed before paying your trusted dentist a visit, right? Getting braces is quite a substantial investment nowadays, so its best to come prepared to be able to make intelligent choices. To give you a brief guide on the different types of braces currently offered in America today, here are the four main types of braces you would want to get familiar with:

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How is Different Types Of Dental Braces

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Traditional Braces - This is the commonly used one among the different types of braces available today and is often designed specifically for children. Traditional braces mainly consist of one small bracket glued to the front part of each tooth. A band is frequently used in the molars to provide support.

Generally, brackets are durable enough and come in a number of different materials such as metal, ceramic and gold. To as more fun detail, brackets are decorated with different ligatures, so you can simply pick out your favorite color and your own unique style.

Invisalign- Among the different types of braces, this one became rapidly popular all over the world because since. This technology was first developed by Align, a clear plastic brace that consists of plastic trays or what is commonly called aligners that are customized to fit each tooth. These are removable braces that can be adjusted every two weeks or so or one a stage-by-stage basis. Ask your orthodontists to evaluate your case if you are a candidate for Invisalign or not. This type of treatment is not recommended for children. However, teenagers and adults who have a mild orthodontic problem can take advantage of this latest technology.

Self Ligating Braces - unlike other different types of braces, this particular variety does not require ligatures or small bands that are usually used to keep the wires in place. These are also referred to as speed braces, which ultimately creates less friction in between the wires and brackets. The most popular brand of Self Ligating Braces is the Damon Brackets, with the Damon3 among the highly preferred variety, which is actually a combination of clear materials and stainless steel.

Ligual Braces - for people who don't want to appear wearing metals on their teeth, this type would be the most ideal one. The brackets are actually installed behind the teeth, which makes it impossible to detect even at close proximity.

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Gift Suite - Marketing Celebrity Pictures From a Gifting Suite

Associates Suite - Gift Suite - Marketing Celebrity Pictures From a Gifting Suite. The content is nice quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Gift Suite - Marketing Celebrity Pictures From a Gifting Suite.

Do you know about - Gift Suite - Marketing Celebrity Pictures From a Gifting Suite

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When you want your product or service to gain awareness with the general public there is no better path to public appeal than association with celebrities. Whether it be movie stars, athletes, television personalities or business moguls there is no method more proven to work than celebrity product placement.

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How is Gift Suite - Marketing Celebrity Pictures From a Gifting Suite

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There is a science to celebrity product placement. Planning is critical. Knowing your ultimate goals before you enter into this industry is critical. In this Ezine article we will review your marketing goals and how to effectively use your money to gain the maximum exposure while avoiding the common pitfalls experienced by many firms.

Simply stated, your goal is to build association between your company's product/service and celebrities. To do this you have several steps which must be executed properly. The first is to obtain pictures of celebrities with your product or with your logo. Many new companies want a picture of the celebrity holding the product. However, many experienced companies have learned that products and packaging change often. This could easily render your celebrity photos outdated. The ideal celebrity photo is the celebrity on a red carpet standing in front of a media wall with your logo. If you are very good at your job you will get each celebrity standing next to only your logo and not logos from dozens of other companies.

So how do you get these pictures? The best option is through a professional celebrity gifting service. Gifting services will invite celebrities to private locations to get products from twenty to forty companies. There are several companies which hold major gifting suites during the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys and other award shows, but most of them do not draw significant A-list talent. The average gifting suite will draw two celebrities even though the website and promotional material will claim ten, twenty or thirty celebrities will be invited, few ever show up. The other red flag is to look at the media wall from these gifting companies past events. Do you see a celeb standing in front of dozens of logos? If so, it is best to avoid that company because they may have some celebs, but they don't offer you the one thing you need -- Celebrity photos with only your logo!

Once you find a good gifting service company you will have the foundation of your marketing goals. But just getting pictures is a small part of your marketing goals. Now you need to get the public to see those pictures. Start by knowing the difference between advertising and press. You cannot use those celebrity pictures for advertising, you can use them for press. If you send them to a magazine or newspaper you will not have a problem. If you put them on your company website in an area that is related to news you will not have a problem. Do not, under any circumstances print those pictures of your product packaging or in-store displays as that is advertising and you will need a signed legal release from the celebrity. To be on the safe side make sure your lawyer gives you advice on the difference between press and advertising.

Many companies have experienced great success in getting their celebrity photos into magazines. The key to this is timing. You must do some work and know when a celebrity has a new television show or movie being released. Take that date and plan to make a move at least 30 days in advance. Send your pictures to all the magazines, newspapers and websites possible and let the editors know about the celebrity and their upcoming show. The show will make the news and you will get the picture. Keep working on this approach and sooner or later you will have some success. Once you get published you may have reached all of your publicity goals.

Good luck.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Missing Teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth - Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Missing Teeth. The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Missing Teeth.

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Treatments in cosmetic dentistry do not only address aesthetic issues. There are procedures in this field that also restore your teeth's condition and function. Some even do a bit more and finally help you avoid more serious conditions - gaps, crooked teeth, gum disease, facial muscle distortion, speech defect, and more. Among these procedures are implants and bridges, which reply the question of tooth loss.

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How is Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Missing Teeth

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The rehabilitation that will be recommended to you will ordinarily depend on the estimate of missing teeth and the comprehensive condition of your teeth, gums, and mouth. During your first consultation in a dental clinic, your mouth will be examined and your curative history will be looked into by the cosmetic dentist. He will then tell you which course will be best for you. He should discuss with you all you need to know with regard to the course so you can put in order for it and be aware of what you need to do even after the treatment.

Dental bridges are like fixed false teeth that work best when you have only a tooth or two missing. They are set on the natural teeth that are beside the site where your lost tooth was. They unmistakably "bridge" the gap left by your missing tooth or teeth. Unlike original dentures, bridges are cemented in your mouth. This makes you feel regain when eating, laughing, and talking. You won't have the fear of your false tooth or teeth falling off when you open your mouth. They can be made of porcelain, metal, or a blend of the two materials.

But you need to take good care of your bridges, since you cannot take off them. Your dentist should teach you how to clean a bridge, particularly the gap under it by using a dental floss. When properly maintained, a bridge can last up to about 10 years.

Dental implants, on the other hand, are exchange roots set in your jawbone. Each implant goes for each tooth that needs to be replaced. A cosmetic dentist uses them as foundation for other procedures, along with bridges and dentures. An implant, which is ordinarily made of titanium or titanium alloy, is placed in your jawbone to hold the false tooth that you need. But before the false tooth can be set, your jawbone has to fuse with the implant first. This is why this whole rehabilitation takes months before it can be completed. It can also last up to roughly 10 years.

Keep in mind that for these procedures to work well, you need to have salutary gums. It's prominent to pick an experienced dentist for these treatments. They'd recommend you which course will be best for you.

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Medicare Dental and Vision Benefits

Dental One - Medicare Dental and Vision Benefits. The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination Medicare Dental and Vision Benefits.

Do you know about - Medicare Dental and Vision Benefits

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Does Medicare Cover Dental and Vision?

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How is Medicare Dental and Vision Benefits

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Medicare is the US health insurance plan for seniors and disabled people. It provides basic medical coverage, and it really helps our seniors and disabled pay for health care. But original Medicare does not pay for everything, and dental or vision benefits are very limited.

Routine care, like checkups, fillings, and glasses, are not usually covered. Services may be covered if they are associated with a medical issue like an illness or injury.

For example, Medicare may pay for a hospital stay in the case of a complicated dental procedure. But it may not cover the actual dental work. For another example, Medicare does not usually cover eyeglasses or contacts. However, it will pay after intraocular lens cataract surgery.

Does this sound complicated?

Well, it can be hard to understand when services will be covered and when they won't be. In any case, even covered services may require a deductible and copayments, so a patient is likely to have out of pocket costs if they have original Medicare.

The answer is even more complex if the benificiary has other benefits. Some Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, for instance, do cover some routine dental work. Other people may have additional coverage through a retirement health insurance plan. But most covered people, even with supplements or MA plans, do not have extra dental and vision benefits. So some beneficiaries may have covered services, while some do not.

How do you know what benefits you are entitled to?

Medicare.gov is a great resource. This website, run by CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid) actually answers many questions like this. You can also look up information on Medicare Advantage plans. If you have trouble using the website, they also provide a 1-800 contact phone number and email address. If you are a beneficiary, or care for one, you should become familiar with this website!

Another great resource would be your supplemental health insurance company. Call the customer service number and ask. MA plans, medi-gap health insurance, and retirement benefits will all be run by private companies. If you want to seek services you can call to make sure they will be approved.

What if a Medicare Beneficiary has No Coverage

We are all concerned with our eyesight and teeth. But these services can be expensive. It may be time to explore some alternatives before you have an emergency need.

Dental Insurance - I am not surprised to see a lot of dental insurance that is being marketed to seniors. Keep in mind that not all services will be covered, and you are likely to have deductibles, copays, and yearly maximums that are specified in any policy. The coverage can help you plan for expenses, but is not likely to totally eliminate all costs.

Dental Discount Plans - These are not insurance plans, but allow members to access networks of service providers who agree to discount services. This is similar to the negotiated price benefit associated with some PPO or HMO health insurance or dental insurance plans. While discount plans do not actually pay for services, they can help members save a lot of money. Some also include vision networks.

Community or Government Dental and Vision Care - I have seen ads for dental clinics, ad even mobile dental care vans, at local community centers. Many church or community sponsored centers will have information on reduced fee clinics for seniors, disabled people, or others with low income. The federal government, state, or county may also run reduced fee clinics in some areas. Your local health and human resources offices should have information. There is help out there for older people, but it can take some digging to find it.

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Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze

Cosmetic Dentistry - Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze.
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze.

Do you know about - Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze

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Sadly not all of us can be born with a set of perfect teeth and as we grow the situation doesn't in fact get any better. As you grow reasonably right teeth can turn into bad teeth over night as distinct problems like an impacting wisdom tooth. For this calculate many cosmetic dentists are gift improvements to bad teeth from tooth whitening to veneers and braces. Hollywood stars are oftentimes getting cosmetic dentistry to get those celebrity teeth to shine on the red carpet.

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How is Celebrities With Bad Teeth That Have Succumb to the Celebrity Cosmetic Dentistry Craze

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Hannah Montana star and daughter of achy breaky country singer Billy Ray, Miley Cyrus' bad teeth have been fixed. The young singer and actress had bad teeth for a while but recently it looks like Miley has spent some of her hard earned cash on some veneers. Her teeth used to be a darker and some would say more natural shade as well as having slightly short and crooked canines. Those days now appear to be gone as Miley Cyrus' celebrity status continues to rise.

Tom Cruise is an A-list Hollywood superstar. After having starred in classic films from The Colour Of Money to more recent appearances in Tropic Thunder, Tom Cruise bad teeth have plagued him since he was young. Tom has a crooked jaw that is out of alignment with his top teeth manufacture his whole mouth appear crooked. As a child, his teeth were even worse with an enlarged front tooth that looked like it could fall out at any minute.

Not all Hollywood stars turn to cosmetic surgery, some stars have still made a good living despite having bad teeth. Morgan Freeman is one of these stars. Morgan Freeman's teeth are a mess but it is a testament to the man for sticking with them. The star of such films as Wanted and Seven, Morgan Freeman didn't start his career till later in his life which might explain why his teeth are in a state. His teeth are badly stained and his gums appear to be receding and could do with a good once over.

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Learn How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Pay For Dental Expenses

Dental - Learn How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Pay For Dental Expenses.
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Do you know about - Learn How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Pay For Dental Expenses

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Paying too much for coverage and not having enough coverage may be a familiar scenario for many of the residents in America. Not many health insurance companies offer policies with coverage that will give you dental, eye and alternative care. Americans are spending over billion annually just for dental services and most of it is out of their own pocket. The prices for dental care can be very horrid, ranging between 0 to ,000 for crowns, 0 for check-ups and cleaning and thousands of dollars for oral surgery.

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How is Learn How to Use Your Health Savings Account to Pay For Dental Expenses

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Most of the dental plans available are expensive - the reason being that the insurance companies know that the individuals who purchase dental coverage already have dental problems and will definitely be using the coverage. This is also known as "adverse selection".

Another option is available today with the HSA, or Health Savings Account. This is an account that you can use to accumulate tax-free dollars for medical bills that aren't covered under your High Deductible Health Plan, or HDHP. It is required that you are enrolled in a HDHP to qualify for an HSA. These plans have high annual deductibles, but you receive low monthly premiums in exchange. Since the money in the HSA is tax-free, the account holder can funnel their dental expenses through the HSA for a tax write-off.

If you decide to get a health plan with dental coverage, the deductible cannot be paid for with the HSA, but the expenses rendered from services can. Since you'll be funding your account with pre-tax dollars, you can easily save 0 or more off the costs of your family's yearly dental expenses by paying for the charges from your Health Savings Account.

There are some other options for dental coverage available. With prepaid dental plans you will be charged low monthly fees, which are usually around /month for individuals and /month for families. The plans give you significant discounts on check-ups, fillings, extractions and other dental services provided by a network dentist. Some plans help with the expenses for eyeglasses and contact lenses. Since these plans aren't insurance, it can be paid for with the HSA. When calculating what medical expenses will be reimbursed from your HSA, include dental fees and premiums from the prepaid dental plan.

More About Health Savings Accounts

Any health expenses that aren't covered under you HDHP can be paid for with your HSA, such as deductibles, eyewear and dental care. As long as the bill you are trying to cover was needed for a health problem, it can be paid for. So if you decided to get a massage while at the spa - this wouldn't be covered, but if your doctor recommended that you go to a masseuse after a painful accident; this would be covered. Having an HSA is the way health insurance should be - you get to choose what medical help you receive for your health conditions.

This means if you decide to get alternative medicine instead of going to an allopathic physician (conventional doctors that use prescriptions drugs and other treatments for quick-fixes instead of delving to the root of the problem), you can do so and have the expenses paid with the HSA.

What is Considered an "HSA Qualified Expense"?

The definition of qualified medical expenses is only partially given in the IRS Publication 502 and through various federal court rulings. There are few restrictions - as long as the expenses are for medical treatments or prevention for a health problem. For instance, yoga wouldn't be identified as a medical expense unless your doctor recommended it as a treatment for medical reasons, such as for physical therapy after an injury, then it is qualified as a medical expense.

Many may question why the government would give a tax deduction for someone using some crazy vibration machine to cure their cancer. Again, the HSA is how health insurance should be. You should get to choose what treatments would best benefit your health condition. This gives account holders that power to manage their health as they see fit. Health Savings Accounts are encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility of their health care while loosening the monopoly traditional health care has had over the past couple of decades.

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Dental Implants Vs Crowns - Which Do You Need?

Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth - Dental Implants Vs Crowns - Which Do You Need?.
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Dental implants and crowns are both thought about major restorative procedures for teeth that have been severely damaged, or that are missing. Both procedures can improve both the cosmetic aspect and functionality of your smile. This report will interpret the difference between the two and help rule which treatment you need.

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How is Dental Implants Vs Crowns - Which Do You Need?

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Who Needs Implants Or Crowns?

Severe decay, root canal therapy, trauma, or damage below the gum line can cause irreparable harm to your teeth. In cases where part of the tooth can be saved, like after root canal therapy, your dentist will suggest a crown be located over the tooth. When more severe damage is sustained to the tooth, such as a crack below the gum line, it may be essential to excerpt the tooth and replace it with a dental implant.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent explication to missing teeth. Advantages to implants are that they are very durable and function and look exactly like your natural teeth. Disadvantages are that implants take manifold visits to your dentist and may take months to fully heal and be fully functional. The success of an implant is also largely dependent on the bone density in your jaw.

Implants are surgically "implanted" into your jawbone using anchors, called "posts." during the first visit your dentist will place the post into the jawbone. The post gets a protective cover for any weeks while the post fuses with the jawbone to form a permanent bond. If the fusion does not take place, the implant cannot be flourishing and other means of rehabilitation must be used.

Once the implant post is secured to the bone, a temporary prosthetic tooth is set on the post to allow the gums to re-form and grow colse to the tooth. Finally, a permanent prosthetic tooth will be placed.

(Note: please talk about anesthesia and the comfort level of this procedure. This report sounds pretty scary.)


A crown is a viable explication when part of a tooth can be saved, as with most root canal therapies. Because root canal therapy removes only the top and inside, or pulp, of the tooth, the "shell" of the tooth commonly remains intact after the procedure. However, the tooth is very fragile and must be reinforced through a restorative course such as crown.

A crown is a cap shaped like your tooth used to restore the shape, strength, and functionality of a tooth. A crown is cemented into place at the margin, or gum line, but in some cases small posts may be inserted into the tooth's roots to act as an anchor for the crown.

The most confident advantage of a crown is that it is minimally invasive and requires only a few visits to the dentist. However, crowns are not permanent. While they may last many years, they will eventually need to be replaced. (Note: you beyond doubt can't correlate crowns and implants, they serve two totally separate needs.)

If you have badly damaged or missing teeth that wish a restorative procedure, talk to your dentist about either a dental implant or crown might be right for you.

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Dental rehabilitation Plans - A Road Map to a best Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Teeth - Dental rehabilitation Plans - A Road Map to a best Smile.
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Since everyone's smile is different, no particular treatment is going to work perfectly for all dental patients. Your dentist should employ a variety of techniques, products, and procedures in order to generate a customized dental treatment plan for you. whether you are having a normal dentistry course or a cosmetic dentistry procedure, you should be informed about what your dentists can contribute you.

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How is Dental rehabilitation Plans - A Road Map to a best Smile

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When you are deciding on what dental course you want to have performed, many questions and options must be taken into consideration. For many people, it helps to talk with their dentist about what results they want to see from the procedure. "I work one on one with my patients to decree what their goals are and how I can help them achieve those goals," says Dr. Pavlenko, cosmetic dentist in Edmonton, Alberta.

If you are suffering from a dental problem, there is usually more than one way to literal, it. For instance, if you have a missing tooth, there are various ways to literal, it, such as a dental bridge or a dental implant. A good dentist will contribute you with all of the ready options and help you select which one will give you the results you want.

Many times, a contributing factor in the dental work someone chooses is the cost. Some dentists will aid you in choosing a treatment that is perfect, but then stop helping when the bill arrives. Cosmetic dentists like Dr. Pavlenko contribute affordable financing options for your dentistry needs. This way, money doesn't stand in the way of you achieving your dental goals.

Dental procedures do not have to be decided by the dentist alone and the course should not be a mystery to you. By employing the most industrialized techniques and devices, like digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, and neuromuscular dentistry, Dr. Pavlenko can account for to you exactly what your treatment will be and what it will do.

By knowing exactly what procedures and what results your dentist can provide, you will be best informed to make the prominent dental decisions that concern you and your mouth.

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All-on-4 Dental Implants - Fixed Dentures in One Day

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What if you could have a full set of teeth replaced in only one day? So many dental implant patients have to travel from office to office for various appointments, turning what could be a simple process into a long ordeal. For those who are from remote locations and look to metropolitan cities for their dental implant needs, this can be especially inconvenient. All-on-4 dental implants offer a one-day surgery solution for dental implant patients who are in need of a fixed denture.

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How is All-on-4 Dental Implants - Fixed Dentures in One Day

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All-on-4 is a dental implant solution that allows a fixed denture to be placed using only four dental implants. The way that the implants are placed eliminates the standard healing time that applies to other types of dental implants. Thus, the All-on-4 surgery procedure, when performed in an office with substantial staffing and resources, can be conducted in one day, making the drive for out-of-town patients a more reasonable option.

There are several parts of the All-on-4 process. For eligible candidates the surgery can be conducted in one day, but the procedure can be done in as few as two appointments.

A properly staffed facility will be able to conduct each of these parts of the process on-site, thus minimizing the number of trips the out-of-town patient must take. With on-site education consultants, a dental surgeon, and an implant dentist, the dental implant center that is properly staffed will be able to take a patient from the start to the finish of the surgery in one day.

The All-on-4 is available to clients that after the initial consultation have shown to be eligible candidates. The procedure will not be available for those patients that will require bone grafting or another surgical procedure before implants can be placed.

The initial consultation with the dental implant office will determine whether or not the patient is a candidate for the All-on-4 dental implant procedure.

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distinct Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

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Shiny white sparkling teeth add up to a radiant smile. This whiter and brighter smile not only lightens up your whole face but also enhances your allinclusive personality and boosts up your confidence.

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How is distinct Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures

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If you are unhappy because your teeth are stained and not straight, don't panic. There are many choices ready in the field of cosmetic dentistry to treat discolored, chipped, misshapen or missing teeth.

According to the statistics in case,granted by the National Oral condition watch law (Nohss), practically 21% of Americans aged 65 and above lose their entire natural teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease.

In a world where every person wants to look smart, young and beautiful, having white pearly teeth for brighter smile and aesthetically pleasing personality is a priority for many. From puny changes to major repairs, a cosmetic dental surgeon can transform your smile into the beautiful dazzling smile that you have all the time dreamed about.

There are any cosmetic dental procedures ready and an expert dentist can help you decide which dental work will work the best in transforming your smile.

Some beloved cosmetic dental procedures that can reshape your teeth, close spaces, restore missing teeth, alter the distance of your teeth as well as improve oral problems, such as your bite are as follows:

Bleaching: Also called teeth whitening can brighten and whiten your teeth that have come to be dull or stained/discolored due to coffee, tea and tobacco use. There are distinct shades of white are ready and you can make the choice on how whiter you want your teeth.

Fillings and Bonding: Dental bonding is the process of aesthetically correcting small defects in your teeth, such as chips, or gaps in the middle of teeth. While the process, a tooth-colored material is shaped and bonded to the tooth. Besides closing spaces in the middle of teeth or restoring the primary shape of chipped teeth, bonding also is used as a tooth-colored filling for small cavities.

Dental veneers: Veneers are thin caps made out of earthenware or plastic to fit over your front teeth to correct major cosmetic problems like chipped teeth, severely stained teeth or teeth with uneven surfaces or rough texture. It is a longer lasting, but a costlier way to improve your smile.

Crowns: Often referred to as a cap, a crown is shaped to look a natural tooth and is located over top of the badly decayed, broken or cracked tooth to restore it to its primary shape and appearance. Crowns are costlier than veneers and are the most time-consuming. They have the longest life expectancy of all cosmetic dental procedures though.

Contouring and Reshaping: Tooth reshaping and contouring is ordinarily used to alter the length, shape or position of ill-shaped teeth and correct small problems with bite as well.

Dental Bridge: It is a false tooth known as pontic that bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A dental crown is located in the middle of two teeth to take the place of a missing tooth so you can restore your pearly while smile.

Dental Implants: A dental implant is arguably the most-natural-looking, permanent explication for replacing your missing teeth. Dental implants have two main components- a titanium material "root" or "implant" that is screwed into the jawbone, and a custom-made earthenware crown (tooth) that fits onto the bolt. A dental implant procedure ends up with beautiful, functional new teeth in your mouth.

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Dental Malpractice - A Dental Implant Nightmare

Dental - Dental Malpractice - A Dental Implant Nightmare.
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[A true story.]

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How is Dental Malpractice - A Dental Implant Nightmare

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The oral surgeon in New York promised to give a patient a set of perfect teeth. All he needed to do was get 10 dental implants on his upper jaw, and 10 dental implants on his lower jaw. The patient, who never had implants before, agreed. He wanted a beautiful set of teeth. It had been many years since he had good healthy natural teeth, and when he arrived in the oral surgeon's office for that first consultation, he had only seven decaying teeth remaining in his mouth.


It is usually a titanium screw that gets screwed into the jaw. It creates the foundation upon which a permanent bridge or crown will sit. Once the implant is screwed into the jaw, it takes months to heal. After the healing period, a healing collar is placed around the implant, and then a post is placed on top of the implant. Once a post is put on, a fixed bridge or cap (also known as a crown) can be attached to the post.


My client had been to a few different implant dentists and was told that for six implants it would cost anywhere from ,000 to ,000. Since this man did not have the money to pay for these implants, he held off, and continued to use his ill-fitting denture that would fall out at the most inopportune times.

One day, while at work, my client saw an ad by this oral surgeon promising inexpensive dental implants and great results. The ad was intoxicating and held the promise of a great set of teeth for only a fraction of the cost that most other dentists were charging.


This patient was quoted a price of ,500 to put in 10 implants on his upper jaw, and 10 implants on his lower jaw. Twenty implants total. All for the low, low price of ,500. That price also included the restoration for full porcelain fixed bridges on both upper and lower jaws. What a bargain.

What the patient got instead was botched dental treatment. To begin with, the oral surgeon failed to properly evaluate whether this patient had sufficient bone for all these implants. He failed to identify where the nerves were in relation to where he was going to insert the implants. Unfortunately for the patient, the implants were put in too close together; they were improperly angled; there were too many implants; he put an implant into the patient's sinus and never realized it; he created a hole in the sinus and despite trying to fix it twice, failed.


The doctor's dental records were worse than scribbles. They had no useful information. The notes reflecting the doctor's comments after the dental implant surgery simply said "Observe." That's it. No notes about patient complaints, what type of examination he performed on that visit or any other visit for that matter. No notes about what his treatment plan was. Incredibly, while the patient was having the implants inserted the doctor claimed that he would take one to two intra-operative x-rays to determine if the implants were in the correct place. Once he decided they were in the right place, he would then inexplicably throw away the x-rays he had taken. The doctor attempted to explain that he had no use for the intra-operative x-rays once the implants were embedded into the jaw.

The fact that the x-rays were technically the patient's property had no impact on this oral surgeon.


Months after the patient had his implants placed into his jaw, he received a letter from this New York dentist announcing that he could no longer continue to provide dental services, giving various excuses. Incredibly, the dentist failed to refer this patient, or any other patient, to another oral surgeon to continue their dental implant care. As a result, this dental victim remained without any teeth in his mouth for two full years.

Calls and letters to this oral surgeon requesting a refund of cash that had been paid went unanswered. All efforts to recoup money for the improper work and unfinished work were ignored.


This dental malpractice victim sued this New York dentist for failing to properly insert his dental implants. A dental implant expert was prepared to explain to the jury how this New York dentist's planning, execution and post-operative care deviated from good and accepted dental standards here in the State of New York. As a result of those departures from good care, this patient suffered significant dental injury, requiring extensive sinus surgery to correct the hole, and the implant lodged in the sinus. He will require most of the implants to be removed, and will have to start over again. All at an astronomical price. Removing the implants may also cause damage and injury to the jaw and nerves running through his upper and lower jaw.

This patient agreed to settle his case on the day jury selection was scheduled. The successful settlement will now allow this traumatized man the chance to surgically correct the botched dental treatment he received from this oral surgeon. Hopefully in the near future, after all of his dental treatment has been completed, he'll be able to look in the mirror, and for the first time in many years, smile and say "Good morning," without feeling self-conscious and worried what someone will think of a man without teeth.

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White Teeth: From At-Home Trays to Cosmetic Dentist Visits

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Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Everyone knows that it is good convention to get your teeth checked regularly by a professional, but more and more people are considering the work of a cosmetic dentist to keep their teeth in optimum condition. Everybody wants their teeth to be clean and healthy, but many desire to keep their teeth looking good as well. One of the most common procedures that a cosmetic dentist performs is teeth whitening. If you're curious in brightening your smile with teeth bleaching, it's important to know what your options are and what each of them can do for you.

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How is White Teeth: From At-Home Trays to Cosmetic Dentist Visits

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Over time, your teeth simply change in color, but there are also some substances that can stain your teeth. Smoking is one of the biggest causes of yellowed teeth, but some drinks and foods can cause problems too. Coffee and tea are often the worst offenders, but soft drinks, wines, and even some fruits can leave stains that dull your teeth though they do not necessarily do any damage.

Discoloration also comes from tooth decay. Enamel makes out the outermost layer of your teeth and functions to safe the bone while chewing. The layer just underneath enamel is yellow-colored. As the enamel is eaten away by a film left behind by sugary foods, the yellow underneath shows and causes discoloration of the tooth. Whitening toothpastes help to decrease the substances that eat away at enamel, but it won't reverse the effects caused by missing enamel.

There are many whitening options for those concerned with the color of their teeth. Over the counter systems are available. For these methods, you apply plastic sheets with low concentrations of whitening chemicals to your teeth every night for about two weeks. While these products do work, they are much lower in vigor than whitening that a cosmetic dentist can supply and often do not last for quite as long as a pro bleaching.

Professional bleaching consists of two basic types. In one case, your cosmetic dentist will make a mold of your mouth from which a tray is created. This tray is filled with a whitening agent and is fit into your mouth snugly, allowing the chemicals to reach all of the nooks and crannies in your teeth. Often these trays can also be used at home but are more efficient than over the counter products. The other type of pro bleaching is done in-office. A protective substance is painted over the gums so that a high-power whitening agent can be applied directly to the teeth. This method is much faster than the others and often only requires two or three treatments.

In general, whitening done by a cosmetic dentist is more efficient because a pro can determine what the cause of discoloration is and target it specifically. Knowing the definite question can be incredibly beneficial in getting good results with tiny hassle. Any whitening is a straightforward and painless procedure though, and can cause dazzling results combined with a tiny more concentration to what you eat and drink.

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The Iconic 2006 BMW 330i and Partstrain's Commitment to Product Excellence

Dr Varinos - The Iconic 2006 BMW 330i and Partstrain's Commitment to Product Excellence.
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Do you know about - The Iconic 2006 BMW 330i and Partstrain's Commitment to Product Excellence

Dr Varinos! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The 3-series each year sells about 450,000 worldwide-making it one of the biggest single car lines from any carmaker, which is especially remarkable for a premium vehicle. All U.S. 3-series models come with front, front-seat side, and full-length curtain air bags, but not with rear-seat side-impact air bags, because BMW claims "advances in side-impact safety are such that it is no longer necessary to offer rear side bags." "We cannot afford to take a risk with this car, because it is too important," says BMW's R&D chief Burkhard Göschel. "If you look at the Z4 as the extreme, as avant-garde, this is in the middle between safe and avant-garde."

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How is The Iconic 2006 BMW 330i and Partstrain's Commitment to Product Excellence

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The BMW 3 Series represents 40% of BMW's vehicle output. It is, as one BMW executive said, "the core product for the brand." Not only is it important to BMW economically, but also its status as an iconic car is crucial to the company's image. For many, it's the car that says, "I've made it," or at least, "I'm on my way."

The BMW 330i has a three-stage variable induction system, an electric cooling pump and a volume-controlled oil pump that only pumps as much oil as needed, saving engine power. Its new engine weighs 22 pounds less than its predecessor does. It is also more powerful, more fuel-efficient and more compact. In addition to the usual double VANOS magic, this engine features the Valvetronic continuously variable valve lift.

BMW's double-pivot independent front suspension has been adapted for the 3 Series, with a pair of lower arms that complement the car's upgraded MacPherson struts. An all-new five-link rear suspension, featuring many lightweight aluminum pieces, is combined with an all-new, more rigid chassis. Oversized ventilated discs in all four corners and an aluminum steering rack ensure precise handling and braking.

The safety equipment includes front airbags, side-impact airbags up front, and side curtain airbags. The structural stiffness of the car is so high, according to Dr. Burkhard Göschl, member of the Board, that side-impact for the rear passengers would not add any extra safety, so they are not available. Furthermore, the 3-Series has two-stage adaptive brakelights that increase the intensity of during hard braking or whenever ABS is activated.

The 3-Series is not only an icon; it is the benchmark in its very competitive class.

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Simply browse at http://www.partstrain.com/ShopByVehicle/BMW and see why customers and BMW enthusiasts keep coming back to Partstrain for their auto body parts. Consequently, Partstrain has a task on its hands when renewing the object of such affection and loyalty. Product excellence and unequalled customer service go hand in hand for every BMW parts you purchase.

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Quick Guide to the Low-Down on Dental Crowns

Sedation Dentistry Ma - Quick Guide to the Low-Down on Dental Crowns.
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Dental Crowns: What Are They?

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How is Quick Guide to the Low-Down on Dental Crowns

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Crowns are dental restorations that protect broken, cracked or otherwise damaged teeth. A dental crown will help strengthen your existing damaged tooth and maintain its functionality. You might've heard crowns called "caps" - that is because the crown "caps" the existing tooth, covering it.

When Are They Used?

Crowns are used when:
Your tooth is significantly decayed and it lacks enough structure to support a filling or inlay and still maintain functionality Your tooth has a fracture so large that traditional composite bonding techniques will not be adequate to build it up sufficiently You have had a dental implant; a crown is fitted to the titanium implant's abutment You have a root canal; your dentist will often use a crown to strengthen the tooth You want to improve how your teeth look for cosmetic reason; in this case, patients often opt for all-porcelain crowns.

Are They Always the Best Option?

If you're aim is simply to approve the aesthetics of your tooth, a crown may not be your ideal choice. Reason is your dentist will need to grind a significant part of your tooth away in order place the crown on your tooth. To improve the way your teeth look, ask your dentist about dental bonding or veneers.

Crowns are generally used with the original tooth's strength is compromised. The crown is used to restore the tooth and its functionality; dental bonding and veneers are only as strong as the original supporting tooth.

What Are They Made Out Of?

There's a wide variety of materials from which your crown can be made. Crowns can be constructed completely out of gold; some are made out of alloy metals, which are then fused to a porcelain shell that covers the alloy.

Keep in mind, if you opt for a crown made from metal fused to porcelain, your gum line could begin to appear dark after time. All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns are better for a more natural cosmetic appearance.

What Is the Procedure Like?

You'll likely have a consultation with your dentist first in order to discuss your treatment options. Then your dentist will prepare your tooth for the crow. First the tooth any decay is cleaned from the tooth and it is reshaped using a special dental drill. Once your tooth is prepared (usually tapered so that the crown can sit covering the outside of it), your dentist will create a mold of your tooth using special putty. The mold is then sent to a professional laboratory where it is used to create your new crown. This process of creating the new custom crown usually takes two to three weeks. Don't worry, in the meantime your dentist will place a temporary crown on your tooth to cover and protect it.

When the custom crown arrives, you'll visit your dentist for the second time. Your dentist will then remove your temporary crown and prepare the surface of your tooth by roughening it with a dental etching acid. This way the dental cement will have a suitable surface to which it will bond. The crown will be placed over your tooth to be sure it matches your smile and that the shape and color are correct. Once the way your restoration looks and fits is acceptable, your dentist will cement it onto your original tooth.

Do They Last Forever?

How long your crown lasts depends a great deal upon how well you care for your teeth. Crowns require the same kind of attention and care as natural teeth. If you have a good oral hygiene regimen, do not grind your teeth, maintain a healthy diet and make regular visits to your dentist for checkups and cleanings, high-quality crowns can last around10-15 years.

How Much Do They Cost?

The cost of your crown will vary depending on the dental practice. Depending on where you go for treatment, the price can be anywhere between 0 and ,500 per tooth; often the price is based on the skill/experience of your dentist, the crown quality, material used and the number of teeth you have restored.

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Dental and Porcelain Veneers: One and the Same?

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The placement of Dental Veneers is one of the most popular Cosmetic Dentistry procedures carried out today. Dental Veneers are sometimes referred to as Porcelain Veneers. The term Porcelain Veneers refers to a specific type whereas the term Dental Veneers is often used to describe both Composite Resin and Porcelain Veneers - Therefore, things can become a little unclear. Nevertheless, there are distinct differences between Porcelain and Resin Veneers.

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How is Dental and Porcelain Veneers: One and the Same?

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The Differences

All Dental Veneers are laminates: They are thin layers which are bonded to the surface of the tooth to enhance them aesthetically. Resin Veneers are thinner than Porcelain Veneers which means less of the natural tooth needs to be removed for placement: Therefore Resin Composite Veneers are less invasive. However, Porcelain Veneers tend to look more natural due to their light reflective qualities - They also resist staining better.

The Purpose

Dental Veneers are used within Cosmetic Dentistry to routinely correct worn, chipped and broken teeth: Uneven, irregularly shaped and gapped teeth: As well as discoloured teeth. Dental Veneers can change the colour, shape, size and/or length of your teeth to create the Perfect Smile. Although each has their differences Composite Resin and Porcelain Veneers do achieve the same end. It is best to discuss which is the most appropriate for your needs with a professional Cosmetic Dentist.

The Alternatives

Composite Bonding is another Cosmetic Dentistry procedure which can also transform a smile - A less expensive alternative to Dental Veneers. A resin and glass composite is placed onto the surface of the tooth and hardened off with a special light. It's purpose is also to improve the colour, shape and size of the tooth. However, while economic in the short term, Composite Bonding is relatively short lived. Nevertheless, Composite Bonding has improved over recent years and the treatment can often be carried out in a single visit.

The Choice

Whichever route you are considering it is important to find a professional Cosmetic Dentist sufficiently experienced and trained to carry out your treatment of choice - And carry it out to a high standard. In the UK any General Dentist can be described as a Cosmetic Dentist. And many do offer a range of Cosmetic treatments. However, full members of the British Association of Cosmetic Dentists (BACD) are recognised as specialists in this field. Choose wisely...

The Perfect Smile Spa Dentist Essex

If you are considering Cosmetic Dentistry to improve your smile consider Dental Veneers: The principal Cosmetic Dentist, Dr Jas Sagoo at Perfect Smile Spa Dentist Essex is among the UK's leading Cosmetic Dentists - He has placed thousands of Veneers and is a full member of the BACD. The practice is located in the Hornchurch High Street and all their Cosmetic Dentists are dedicated to helping nervous patients and delivering pain-free treatment - Contact Perfect Smile Spa Dentist Essex today for a free consultation.

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Top 10 Industry Associations in Massage Therapy

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The following top 10 industry associations in massage therapy are important for any student looking to work in this field or professional already working in the field to know about. Not only do these associations offer helpful resources and a wealth of information, they also provide an excellent opportunity to network. Whether you are a student, recent graduate or seasoned professional, industry associations offer a great way to get out there, make a name for yourself, expand your business and stay on the cutting edge.

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How is Top 10 Industry Associations in Massage Therapy

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There are more associations and organizations that deal with massage therapy, oriental medicine and alternative healing than you could possibly keep up with, but these top 10 industry associations in massage therapy are the most important to learn about first. They will help you keep up on the most current conventions, legal and licensing information, massage trends, seminars and teaching methods. They will provide an opportunity to learn, an opportunity to network and an opportunity to make your business as successful as it can be.

Here are the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the top massage therapy industry associations:

1. Alliance for Massage Therapy Education

1760 Old Meadow Road - Suite 500

McLean, Virginia 22102

(703) 506-2888


2. American Massage Therapy Association

820 Davis St. - Suite 100

Evanston, Illinois 60201

(847) 864-0123


3. American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association

1010 AOBTA - Haddonfield-Berlin Rd., Suite 408

Voorhees, New Jersey 8043

(609) 782-1616


4. Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

1271 Sugarbush Drive

Evergreen, Colorado 80439

(800) 458-2267


5. Foundation For Alternative And Integrative Medicine

PO Box 2860

Loveland, Colorado 80539

(202) 463-4900


6. International Council of Reflexologists

PO Box 620607

Littleton, Colorado 80162

(916) 455-5381


7. International Massage Association

PO Drawer 421

Warrenton, Virginia 20188

(540) 351-0800


8. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

PO Box 8218

Silver Spring, Maryland 20907

(888) 644-6226


9. Nurse Healers-Professional Association, Inc.

11250 Roger Bacon Drive - Suite 8

Reston, Virginia 20190

(703) 234-4149


10. The Spa Association

PO Box 273283

Fort Collins, Colorado 80527

(970) 226-6145



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Maslow on My Mind: How Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Affects Business and Society

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Introduction: Maslow in the Big Apple

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How is Maslow on My Mind: How Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Affects Business and Society

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Abraham Maslow was born in New York in 1908 to poor, uneducated Russian immigrants. He was the oldest of seven children, and therefore pushed by his parents to succeed in education where they had not. Originally studying to be a lawyer, he found it to be of little interest and eventually shifted over to psychology where he excelled. Maslow went on to receive his PhD in Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, under the tutelage of Harry Harlow, famous for experimentation with rhesus monkeys and attachment behavior. After some time he returned to New York and began studying human sexuality. In addition to this study, during the years of teaching, he had the opportunity to meet many well-respected psychologists which further helped to shape his thoughts on the human needs. The final event which led Maslow to move in the humanistic direction came from the study of the development of the concept of "self-actualization". It was this study that led Maslow to develop his famous Hierarchy of Needs Theory.[1]

Food for thought: What humans really need

Until Maslow began to develop his theories, most studies on human nature focused on biology, achievement or power to explain the forces that drive us.

Maslow postulated that there were five levels of basic needs that every human attempts to attain:
Externally-Satisfied Needs (basic needs that every individual must satisfy before they can progress).

1. Physiological - I'm hungry.

2. Safety - I'm scared.

Internally-Satisfied Needs (needs leading to enlightenment and understanding.

3. Social - I'm lonely.

4. Esteem - I can't.

5. Self Actualization - I can!

In the 1970s, Maslow further split this hierarchy up into a total of eight levels:[2]

1) Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts, etc.;

2) Safety/security: out of danger;

3) Belonging and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted; and

4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.

5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore; (new)

6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty; (new)

7) Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential; and

8) Self-transcendence: to connect to something beyond the ego or to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential. (new) (This concept is relatively new and many authors such as Dr. Stephen covey express similar views.)[3]

Another way to look at the Needs is to break it into "D-Needs" (Deficiency) and "B-Needs" (Being). Maslow believed that the deficiency needs, once satisfied ceased to be a driving force for the individual, and they were then free to move upward to developing themselves.

If we follow the traditional hierarchical form, we can see that each need forms the basis of the next need above it in the pyramid. Without these previous foundations, Maslow believed that it is impossible to move on to the next stage in the hierarchy.[4]

In spite of the fact that it is very well-known and intrinsically comforting, there seems to be little hard evidence that the theory actually applies to people in general. Even Maslow admitted to this.[5]

A learning experience

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has had a dramatic influence on the field of education. Traditional beliefs regarding educational methodology have shifted to a more humanistic approach, with the focus on meeting the students' basic needs in order to assist them to progress.

The most important goal in education is to learn, followed by developing an understanding of the material to retain it, and apply it in life. In order to do this, the students need to be motivated enough to work hard to achieve this goal. Without motivation to learn it is unlikely that the education will succeed to the extent that it is intended.

In order to maximize this motivational desire, the educators need to attend to the needs of the student. By understanding Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, teachers can work toward realizing the basic needs that develop the foundation for higher learning, or actualization.

Here is an example of how the school can meet the basic needs of the students:

If the school understands that in order to function at school, students need the basic physiological needs satisfied before they can absorb their studies, they may consider providing lunches if a great deal of the students do not have their own. This would then propel the learners to the next level. By fostering a trusting, safe environment, with a classroom social network, and providing praise in the form of positive reinforcement from the teachers, the students will be able to focus on their learning.[6]

A real example that has come up near the end of the 20th century with respect to this is the problems that have arisen due to the beliefs on "special education". During the 70s and 80s when where the traditional beliefs of segregating children with special needs (physical, intellectual, or emotional) was employed in the school system anomalies arose that called into question these beliefs. It was believed that by placing these students in separate learning atmospheres they would be able to learn at a pace more appropriate to their abilities, receive special attention and eventually progress through the system to receive the same education at the end of the program. As it turns out, this did not happen and the children’s learning was hampered.[7]

Managing expectations

Focusing on such human needs for successful motivation can very easily be ported over to the business world and applied in the field of Management. In fact, Maslow himself became fascinated with the field of management and attempted to explain the ability of good managers to motivate their employees using a solid understanding of the Hierarch of Needs. He even went so far as to regularly visit a high-tech company in California to study the management practices in the 1960s. Maslow discovered that managers who treat their subordinates with trust and respect created an environment that promoted a better work situation and improved productivity.

Peter Drucker, the famous management guru has said that "Maslow's contribution to management was a big one. He pointed out hat you have to have different personnel policies for different people in different situations for them to be truly effective."[8]

Why 'Y'?

Theories X and Y, as developed by Douglas McGregor fit very nicely into the Needs Theory. If humans are intrinsically searching for something to help propel them to the next level, and have an internal desire to progress, and give back to society, as is believed by the followers of "Theory Y", then it goes to reason that the humanistic approach, as laid out by Maslow would assist these individuals in reaching their goals. If we believe that human nature responds best to a positive, nurturing atmosphere, then managers that hold the following beliefs with respect to their staff should be able to raise them up higher in an attempt to improve productivity, and the individual goals of the worker:

1. Employees view work as natural.

2. Commitment to goals leads to self-direction and self-control.

3. People will look for situations where they can receive accountability for their work.

4. Decision-making on various levels can be spread among the company and not be the sole responsibility of upper management.[9]

What's 'Humanism' got to do, got to do with it?

Humanism is the "third force" in psychology, following the traditional studies of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. Maslow, Carl Rogers, Rolly May and many others helped to advance this way of looking at the human condition.

Humanism has a long history going back to the times of the Greek philosophers of the 6th century BC. It has come forward in time and developed into three broad categories: religious, secular, educational humanism. When people discuss "humanism" they generally mean the understanding of secular humanism.
"Humanism is a broad category of active ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appeal to universal human qualities— particularly rationality, common history, experience, and belief. Humanism is a component of a variety of more specific philosophical systems, and is also incorporated into some religious schools of thought.

Humanism entails a commitment to the search for truth and morality through human means in support of human interests. In focusing on the capacity for self-determination, humanism rejects transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on faith, the supernatural or divinely revealed texts. Humanists endorse universal morality based on the commonality of human nature, suggesting that solutions to our social and cultural problems cannot be parochial."[10]

Humanists generally believe the following:[11]

1. Humanism is a philosophy focused upon human means for comprehending reality. Humanists make no claims to possess or have access to supposed transcendent knowledge.

2. Humanism is a philosophy of reason and science in the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, when it comes to the question of the most valid means for acquiring knowledge of the world, Humanists reject arbitrary faith, authority, revelation, and altered states of consciousness.

3. Humanism is a philosophy of imagination. Humanists recognize that intuitive feelings, hunches, speculation, flashes of inspiration, emotion, altered states of consciousness, and even religious experience, while not valid means to acquire knowledge, remain useful sources of ideas that can lead us to new ways of looking at the world. These ideas, after they have been assessed rationally for their usefulness, can then be put to work, often as alternate approaches for solving problems.

4. Humanism is a philosophy for the here and now. Humanists regard human values as making sense only in the context of human life rather than in the promise of a supposed life after death.

5. Humanism is a philosophy of compassion. Humanist ethics is solely concerned with meeting human needs and answering human problems--for both the individual and society--and devotes no attention to the satisfaction of the desires of supposed theological entities.

6. Humanism is a realistic philosophy. Humanists recognize the existence of moral dilemmas and the need for careful consideration of immediate and future consequences in moral decision making.

7. Humanism is in tune with the science of today. Humanists therefore recognize that we live in a natural universe of great size and age that we evolved on this planet over a long period of time, that there is no compelling evidence for a separable "soul," and that human beings have certain built-in needs that effectively form the basis for any human-oriented value system.

8. Humanism is in tune with today's enlightened social thought. Humanists are committed to civil liberties, human rights, church-state separation, the extension of participatory democracy not only in government but in the workplace and education, an expansion of global consciousness and exchange of products and ideas internationally, and an open-ended approach to solving social problems, an approach that allows for the testing of new alternatives.

9. Humanism is in tune with new technological developments. Humanists are willing to take part in emerging scientific and technological discoveries in order to exercise their moral influence on these revolutions as they come about, especially in the interest of protecting the environment.

10. Humanism is, in sum, a philosophy for those in love with life. Humanists take responsibility for their own lives and relish the adventure of being part of new discoveries, seeking new knowledge, exploring new options. Instead of finding solace in prefabricated answers to the great questions of life, Humanists enjoy the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that this entails.

What is holding us back?

If reaching the summit of the mountain of self-actualization were easy, everyone would be enlightened, happy, hard-working, creative, and wealthy. We would all strive to take responsibility for our actions, and attempt to improve the situation around us by developing new and unique ideas. Unfortunately, this is not happening. What is holding us back from reaching our "fully functional, healthy personality"?

I concur with Maslow that society and the education system are preventing individuals from reaching their full potential. Here is what Maslow has to say on the matter:

"The state of being without a system of values is psychopathogenic, we are learning. The human being needs a framework of values, a philosophy of life, a religion or religion-surrogate to live by and understand by, in about the same sense he needs sunlight, calcium or love. This I have called the "cognitive need to understand." The value- illnesses which result from valuelessness are called variously anhedonia, anomie, apathy, amorality, hopelessness, cynicism, etc., and can become somatic illness as well. Historically, we are in a value interregnum in which all externally given value systems have proven failures (political, economic, religious, etc.) e.g., nothing is worth dying for. What man needs but doesn't have, he seeks for unceasingly, and he becomes dangerously ready to jump at any hope, good or bad. The cure for this disease is obvious. We need a validated, usable system of human values that we can believe in and devote ourselves to (be willing to die for), because they are true rather than because we are exhorted to "believe and have faith." Such an empirically based Weltanschauung seems now to be a real possibility, at least in theoretical outline." [12]

If society is not instilling the proper values into the youth of today, they are unable to develop a healthy outlook on life. This will hamper their journey to self-actualization. The education system is also currently not providing the proper morals, and positive, nurturing environment for students in order for them to grow. The schools need to focus on the areas of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that are deficient in the student body, nurture them, and help their students to excel in ways that go deeper than just good grades.

Summary: Change Your Socks, Change Your Attitude

In the contemporary business world, a product-centered business style is no longer successful. Companies must now, more than ever before, develop a consumer-centric approach to business. The market is demassifying, and this means that individual needs must be met.

In order for the education system to produce individuals that can reach the peak of Maslow's pyramid, the schools should also take a similar approach and rather than focus on the product (education), they should instead focus on meeting the needs of the client (student). This will by no means be an easy task for it requires a tremendous amount of time and energy on the part of the supplier (schools), but the end results will produce a much more satisfied customer who is able to benefit from the interaction.

Maslow lists 10 points that educators and teachers ought to consider in order to change their style so as to move toward the self-actualization of the individual. A summary of these points can be found below:

1. Be true to yourself.

2. Do not be bound by your culture.

3. Discover your calling.

4. Life is precious.

5. Do not judge people.

6. See to the satisfaction of basic needs.

7. Take time to smell the roses.

8. Learn self-control.

9. Don't sweat the little things.

10. Make the right decisions.

These can and should be applied to all aspects of life, from your private time, through education and even in the work environment in order to work toward improving yourself and society.


1. C. George Boeree, ‘Abraham Maslow, 1908-1970’, http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/maslow.html

2. Huitt, W. (2004). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved [date] from, http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/regsys/maslow.html.

3. Stephen R. Covey, ‘The 8th Habit, From Effectiveness to Greatness’, FranklinCovey Co., Free Press, 2004.

4. Wikipedia, 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs', http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs

5. Educational Psychology Interactive

6. Jones, Michael. “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Can Lower Recidivism.” Corrections Today 66.4 (2004): 18–22.

7. Norman Kunc, 'The Need to Belong: Rediscovering Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs', Axis Consultation and Training Ltd,, [http://www.normemma.com/armaslow.htm], 1998.

8. Excerpted from Maslow on Management, by Abraham H. Maslow, with Deborah Stephens and Gary Heil, 1998.

9. Robbins, Stephen P., 'Essentials of organizational behavior, eighth edition', Pearson Education Inc., 2005, p50

10. Wikipedia definition for 'humanism', http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism

11. Frederick Edwards, 'What is Humanism?', American Humanist Association, 1989, [http://www.jcn.com/humanism.php4]

12. Maslow, A., & Lowery, R. (Ed.). (1998). 'Toward a psychology of being (3rd ed.)', New York: Wiley & Sons.

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