Quick Guide to the Low-Down on Dental Crowns

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Dental Crowns: What Are They?

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How is Quick Guide to the Low-Down on Dental Crowns

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Crowns are dental restorations that protect broken, cracked or otherwise damaged teeth. A dental crown will help strengthen your existing damaged tooth and maintain its functionality. You might've heard crowns called "caps" - that is because the crown "caps" the existing tooth, covering it.

When Are They Used?

Crowns are used when:
Your tooth is significantly decayed and it lacks enough structure to support a filling or inlay and still maintain functionality Your tooth has a fracture so large that traditional composite bonding techniques will not be adequate to build it up sufficiently You have had a dental implant; a crown is fitted to the titanium implant's abutment You have a root canal; your dentist will often use a crown to strengthen the tooth You want to improve how your teeth look for cosmetic reason; in this case, patients often opt for all-porcelain crowns.

Are They Always the Best Option?

If you're aim is simply to approve the aesthetics of your tooth, a crown may not be your ideal choice. Reason is your dentist will need to grind a significant part of your tooth away in order place the crown on your tooth. To improve the way your teeth look, ask your dentist about dental bonding or veneers.

Crowns are generally used with the original tooth's strength is compromised. The crown is used to restore the tooth and its functionality; dental bonding and veneers are only as strong as the original supporting tooth.

What Are They Made Out Of?

There's a wide variety of materials from which your crown can be made. Crowns can be constructed completely out of gold; some are made out of alloy metals, which are then fused to a porcelain shell that covers the alloy.

Keep in mind, if you opt for a crown made from metal fused to porcelain, your gum line could begin to appear dark after time. All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns are better for a more natural cosmetic appearance.

What Is the Procedure Like?

You'll likely have a consultation with your dentist first in order to discuss your treatment options. Then your dentist will prepare your tooth for the crow. First the tooth any decay is cleaned from the tooth and it is reshaped using a special dental drill. Once your tooth is prepared (usually tapered so that the crown can sit covering the outside of it), your dentist will create a mold of your tooth using special putty. The mold is then sent to a professional laboratory where it is used to create your new crown. This process of creating the new custom crown usually takes two to three weeks. Don't worry, in the meantime your dentist will place a temporary crown on your tooth to cover and protect it.

When the custom crown arrives, you'll visit your dentist for the second time. Your dentist will then remove your temporary crown and prepare the surface of your tooth by roughening it with a dental etching acid. This way the dental cement will have a suitable surface to which it will bond. The crown will be placed over your tooth to be sure it matches your smile and that the shape and color are correct. Once the way your restoration looks and fits is acceptable, your dentist will cement it onto your original tooth.

Do They Last Forever?

How long your crown lasts depends a great deal upon how well you care for your teeth. Crowns require the same kind of attention and care as natural teeth. If you have a good oral hygiene regimen, do not grind your teeth, maintain a healthy diet and make regular visits to your dentist for checkups and cleanings, high-quality crowns can last around10-15 years.

How Much Do They Cost?

The cost of your crown will vary depending on the dental practice. Depending on where you go for treatment, the price can be anywhere between 0 and ,500 per tooth; often the price is based on the skill/experience of your dentist, the crown quality, material used and the number of teeth you have restored.

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