Foods That ease Constipation Also Help forestall Bowel Impaction

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Do you know about - Foods That ease Constipation Also Help forestall Bowel Impaction

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Foods that relax constipation should be eaten on a quarterly basis by anything that has bowel impaction or problems going to the bathroom without straining. Straining when going to the bathroom has no ifs ands or buts caused a heart assault in many population over the years.

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How is Foods That ease Constipation Also Help forestall Bowel Impaction

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mass Dental.

You do not have to be a victim if you just eat more of the foods that relax constipation, and less of the foods that cause constipation on a daily basis. A heart assault is not the only health qoute you can invent as a effect from being constipated.

Chronic Constipation can lead to many other health problems:

--- Bowel Impaction
--- Re-absorption of toxins into the bloodstream
--- Headaches
--- Malnutrition
--- Indigestion
--- Hemorrhoids from straining
--- Varicose veins
--- Diverticulosis
--- Irritability
--- Bowel cancer
--- Auto immune diseases
--- Abdominal pains
--- Depression
--- Weight gain

I know I sure don't want any of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the list, then you would greatly benefit by eating more of the foods that are on the foods that relax constipation list below, and avoid doing the things, and eating the foods that cause constipation that I have also listed below.

Foods that relax constipation

--- Psyllium husks
--- Ground Flax seeds
--- Okra
--- Prunes
--- Dates
--- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
--- Potatoes
--- Lettuce
--- Onions
--- Carrots
--- Green peppers
--- Apples
--- Pears
--- Oranges
--- Grapefruits
--- Grapes
--- Strawberries
--- Beans
--- Other fruits and vegetables

Causes of constipation

--- Eating refined foods like white flour that comprise no fiber.
--- Eating a lot of Cheeses
--- Pizza
--- Cookies
--- Drinking sodas and sugary drinks
--- Eating a lot of Meat (meat has no fiber in it)
--- Getting dehydrated
--- Overeating nuts and seeds (soaking Raw nuts overnight in water will help but they are not as tasty)
--- Drugs or Medications
--- Improper diet
--- Not going when you feel the urge and "holding it in" because you are not close to a bathroom or think you are too busy.

Over the years we have discovered that the same foods that relax constipation, are also the same foods that are very salutary for you. The presume they are so salutary is that they comprise vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and they are high in fiber. Also if you eat them raw (except beans and potatoes) they will also comprise living enzymes that aid in digestion.

Let me just go over with you a few of the worst foods to eat if you are trying to relax constipation.


Cheeses are very clogging to your digestive track. Every time I eat cheese, or meals containing cheese, it feels like my stomach turns into a knot, and I usually feel clogged up with stomach pains for a few days until it has worked his way back out of my system.

However I have been on a salutary diet program for a long time now, so my digestive track is used to processing and eliminating my foods without them getting clogged up in my intestines.

But, if you have been eating cheese and other clogging foods for a long time, you might be used to the feeling of having a clogged up digestive track, and most population in the United States have been eating this way their whole lives so they don't know what it feels like to not have digestive pains of some type.

White bread

Just about every sandwich, every burger on a bun, supper roles, cakes, cookies, pies, pizza, pasta, and fast food biscuits, can cause constipation, especially if they are eaten alone without sufficient of the foods that relax constipation also being eaten at the same meal.

This is because they comprise very minuscule fiber in them. Any time you eat constipating type foods, you should balance it out by eating foods that are high in fiber that I have listed above.


Pizza is other food that usually takes a long time to move through the digestive tract. Pizza is also other food that has practically no fiber in. Cheese and white bread are two of the main foods that will clog down your digestive tract. And pizza contains both.

How to avoid constipation:

--- Stay hydrated by drinking sufficient pure water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.
--- Stop or cut way down on eating refined foods. (They glue us down inside)
--- Eat a lot more of the foods that relax constipation that I have listed above.

If you are constipated, then you have food that is stuck in your intestines. This food that is stuck in your intestines starts to rot more and more the longer it is in your body.

Constipation is unhealthy for the body, especially if you are eating toxic, synthetic chemical containing foods, or foods that you are intolerant to. Many population have food allergies that they might not know about that can cause many separate types of symptoms.

To avoid constipation, make sure that you are not eating refined starches that have had the fiber removed like white rice, pastas, breads, tortillas, and biscuits. Also when eating any type of starch, you want the meal to have sufficient oil in it. Extra virgin olive or coconut oil are good clean sources of oil to use.

The more oil in the meal the less opportunity of constipation. But too much oil will zap your energy. Also you will want to eat sufficient fiber containing vegetables (but not fruits) with any starch-based meal.

If you eat more raw fruit smoothies for breakfast, then the high water article (the pulp of the orange, grapes, or Grapefruit) and the fiber in pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries should keep things spicy and rinsed out.

Also smoothies are blended into a liquid, which also helps to avoid constipation. other good meal to eat to relax constipation is to make a soup with many neutral vegetables, add some okra (okra is kind of slippery in texture) and then blend it into an emulsion with some Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil. These liquid type meals rarely ever get stuck inside your digestive tract.

If you eat more of the foods that relax constipation, and cut out the constipating ones, you will have best chances of not developing bowel impaction. If you already have bowel impaction, you might be able to slowly reverse it by eating more of the foods that relax constipation.

What exactly is bowel impaction?

Bowel impaction is where a mass of food gets stuck inside your intestines and turns into a hard lump that doesn't come out. This lump of hard fecal matter then starts to rot. Then other foods that you eat later still has to be eliminated eventually, so they just have to go nearby the hard mass to get out. Your body might then invent chronic diarrhea to try and deal with the situation.

Bowel impaction can lead to the bowels becoming enlarged, which can then put too much pressure on the veins that are near the colon that are arrival from discrete organs and muscles in the body.

Your organs need a fresh steady blood furnish to function properly. You want all of your organs to work as they should if you want to stay healthy. Also high blood pressure can be because you have too many of your veins being pinched off. This is how varicose veins are formed. This is also how hemorrhoids are formed.

Just think of a water hose, if you pinch of the end of it, the pressure builds up and makes the hose expand. If you have high blood pressure because of veins being pinched off, then your heart will have to work harder to pump the blood through them.

By eating more of the foods that relax constipation on a daily basis, you will feel better, you will come to be more quarterly in your bowel movements, and you will not have to worry as much about developing a more serious disease in the time to come that is caused from being chronically constipated.

I know that eating refined foods, candy, cakes, crackers, cheese, and pizzas are very tasty, but they cause constipation in many people. It is just not worth it to destroy our health by eating an unhealthy diet on a consistent basis. Also, once you cut out all the junk, and only eat salutary foods for a period of time, your taste buds will adapt, and the salutary foods will no ifs ands or buts start to taste good.

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