A Succinct History of Sedation Dentistry

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Sedation Dentistry Ma! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Though a select few find dentistry a fascinating practice and profession, the average person's response to going to the dentist is distaste or actual dread. For people with a particularly strong fear of going to the dentist, a sedation dentist can make sure your experience is as relaxing as possible.

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How is A Succinct History of Sedation Dentistry

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Sedation Dentistry Ma.

Dentistry in primitive forms has been carried for thousands of years all over the world. Wherever there are teeth, there are toothaches, cavities and other dental conditions. Of course, it wasn't until very recently that dentistry was a regulated and formalized practice. It is no longer the barbaric work it used to be but a scientific art.

Sedation dentistry has a very short history compared to the field in general. It all began with an inspired dentist by the name of Doctor William Morton. He practiced dentistry in the mid 1800s in Massachusetts. As anesthesia was unheard of at the time, Morton asked a physician friend of his what would be more powerful and effective specifically in the case of dental pain.

At his friend's recommendation, Morton began experimenting with ether as a means of preventing pain during surgery. Like many people with great ideas, Morton first tested ether on his dog and himself. By testing reactions through personal research, Morton got to the point where he felt confident in using the drug during an actual dental surgery.

It was in September of 1846 that Morton gave his idea its first true test run. A patient arrived in Morton's office with a toothache and a paralyzing fear of dentistry and the pain curing his condition would involve. Morton carefully dosed his patient with ether and performed the surgery. The patient came out of the ether exclaiming that he had felt no pain whatsoever.

The next step in making his idea popular was to demonstrate it in action in front of a live audience of his peers. This second experiment was also a success. Morton acted as anesthesiologist for Doctor John Warren as he surgically removed a tumor from a patient's neck.

As news of Morton's invention spread, ether became the preferred anesthesia by doctors, dentists and surgeons everywhere. Remember that this was during a time when nitrous oxide was new and no strongly anesthetics were available. When painful surgeries were needed, alcohol and restraints were used to keep patients from losing their minds from pain.

In modern times, dentists and other doctors use substances other than ether as anesthesia during surgeries and painful procedures. Morton's discovery was popular for nearly a hundred years, though, and some credit him as the true pioneer of general anesthetics. If you are afraid of dentists and have work that needs to be done, take William Morton's word of it and find a sedation dentist.

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