Top 5 Dental Trivia Questions

Dental - Top 5 Dental Trivia Questions

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Do you know about - Top 5 Dental Trivia Questions

Dental ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Here's a list of popular and entertaining dental trivia questions, with just a bit of advice about caring for your teeth thrown in. Some of these questions (like the first one) have been asked and re-asked for over a hundred years.

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Did George Washington have wooden dentures?

That is actually a myth. According to historians, Washington had major problems with his teeth and gums, but his first set of dentures were made from a combination of ivory and human teeth.

Washington lost most of his teeth by the age of 50. At one time, people thought losing teeth was an inevitable part of the ageing process. Today we know better. With proper care, your teeth will last a lifetime.

Does sugar cause cavities?

Sugar can contribute to cavities, but only if it is allowed to remain on the teeth for long periods of time. The most important thing is to brush after meals and snacks. Think about what you drink, too.

If you drink coffee or soft drinks throughout the day without brushing afterwards, you are risking stains and cavities. Drinking sugary drinks can be as bad for your teeth as eating candy, especially if you don't brush.

Who invented chewing gum?

This is one of the historical dental trivia questions that people have been asking for many years. It is believed that the defenders of the Alamo were probably among the first to try chewing gum. The Mexican dictator Santa Anna is credited with introducing it. Here's another question about gum.

Is chewing gum bad for your teeth?

Sugarless chewing gum is actually good for your teeth. It helps to clean away debris and promotes production of saliva. Saliva contains enzymes that break down sugars and antibodies that fight tooth decay.

Which kind of floss is best: waxed or un-waxed?

This is one of the dental trivia questions that can help reduce tooth decay when answered correctly. Un-waxed floss picks up more plaque.

Is wine good for your teeth?

Drinking a glass of red wine every day is said to be good for your heart, but it is not the best choice for your teeth. The acids found in all wine varieties can erode tooth enamel. Red wine causes the worst stains. Again, the solution is to brush often and well.

Your dentist probably has more dental trivia questions for you. Maybe you should call up and make an appointment. Regular check-ups reduce your risk of cavities.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Dental . Where you can offer easy use in your evryday life. And most of all, your reaction is Dental . Read more.. Top 5 Dental Trivia Questions.
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